Three months of protests in Nicaragua and 351 deaths


July 18, 2018 – 23:24



Agencia EFE

Nicaragua celebrated three months of its bloodiest crisis since the 1980s, which began with protests against a security reform and what has become a national cry calling for the departure of President Daniel Ortega, polarizing the country.

After 92 days, Nicaragua adds at least 351 deaths, according to figures from humanitarian agencies, thousands injured, allegations of "enforced disappearances", hundreds of detainees and thousands of people seeking refuge in neighboring Costa Rica

On Wednesday, hundreds of "combined forces" of the government celebrated, with acclamations and music, the taking of Masaya, where on Tuesday they demolished the barricades and erased them with sentences against President Ortega

National police, paramilitaries, paramilitaries and riot agents executed in Masaya the so-called "Operation Lim Piece", which consisted in cutting down the blockades that were still lifted and to remove any trace that would remind us that the city has declared "free territory of the dictator", with reference to Ortega.

The police operation, which occurred violently By the state forces towards the people, three people were killed in the city.

Read also: The OAS asks Daniel Ortega to organize elections in Nicaragua to get out of the crisis

This Wednesday, the community of Monimbó, from the indigenous tradition, is lifted full of members of the "combined forces", who ensured that "peace and tranquility has returned" for the settlers, a statement that contrasts with the funeral scene of a 15-year-old boy killed in the fray. Tuesday

An aunt of the deceased, who refused to provide his identity, told Efe that the calm in Masaya is "false", but "people are afraid to leave" because Vice President Rosario Murillo proclaimed the "victory over these dark forces", in reference to the anti-government protesters who, according to the executive, are trying to overthrow the government

. "Today, July 18, we proclaim our victory, our advance on these evil, dark, terrorist, criminal forces who badped for three months, wanted to take peace in Nicaragua, but they could not," said the first lady in a message to

The United States claimed that the badault on the city of Masaya by the government forces is "another clear example" of Ortega's desire to "s & # 39; to cling to power ".

yesterday in Masaya is another clear example of Ortega's willingness to cling to power without worrying about the price that the Nicaraguan people must pay, "denounced at a conference of Press spokesman Depa State Department, Heather Nauert

The spokesman urged the Nicaraguan executive to hold elections to put an "immediate" end to the wave of violence. 19659006] This petition is in addition to the resolution adopted today by the Organization: The American States (OAS), which asked Ortega to "support an electoral calendar" agreed in the national dialogue, through the Catholic Church, in a formula that seeks early elections to get out of the crisis

Citizens for Freedom (CxL) also demanded "advanced, transparent and fully observed elections, so that the people can choose their leaders in freedom "to overcome the crisis.

Citizens and various sectors of society Nicaragua also celebrated this resolution of the OAS in which it is requested to advance until March 2019 the elections scheduled for 2021.

" That this vote (at the OAS) is in memory of those who are no longer accompanying us and for political prisoners, a great triumph for Nicaragua, "said Juan Sebastián Chamorro, one of the representatives from the business sector of the Civic Alliance.

"Thank you, country brothers of the American continent who have shown their solidarity with the pain and the struggle of the Nicaraguan people!", The Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez, published in his social networks.

During the day in Nicaragua, the leader of the opposition, Jerez, leader of a group of merchants of Nicaragua's largest market, called them "civil disobedience" was "arbitrarily" detained by the police in Managua, denounced this movement.

In addition, Amnesty International (AI) demanded that the government "put an end to repression after three months of senseless killings". ] Protests against the government began on April 18 for failed social security reforms and became a demand for the president's resignation, after eleven years of power, with abuses of abuse and corruption against him.

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