Three people arrested for the death of Argentina who took ecstasy in Spain


Three people were arrested in Spain for the death of Milagros Alanis Moyano, the young Argentinian who died in Palma de Mallorca after consuming Ecstasy at an electronic party.

Lautaro Moyano, the victim's brother, explained that the Spanish national police were trying to determine if any of the three detainees were actually responsible for selling the ecstasy tablet to the young woman before the Origin Festival .

In addition, the family suspects, on the basis of medical expertise, that Moyano has ingested an adulterated tablet containing rat poison. "The information from the tablet with rat poison comes from someone who bought the same tablet but did not consume it, but we have to wait for the autopsy," he said. at the press channel TN Paulo Moyano, father of the 19-year-old daughter.

"We are now in another complaint, so that there are more controls in this kind of parts, so that such things do not happen again. Since the organization of the event, they have still not said anything, "explained Moyano, adding that" a few days ago, a German woman also died at one party for taking ecstasy ".

The young woman was decompensated on Sunday the 14th in the middle of the Origin Festival and died 72 hours later in a hospital in the city of Barcelona with more than 42 degrees of fever. Milagros worked as a supervisor in a pool in Mallorca, where he spent a few months with his twin sister. According to Lautaro, Milagros' plan was to return to Mar del Plata during the Argentinian summer to meet a newborn nephew.

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