Three refrigerators are allowed to export pork to China


Macri announced in the fridge La Pompeya, Marcos Paz

Agri-Food Secretary says three meat processing plants exporting pork are already allowed to send cuts to China after
the signing of a sanitary protocol. These are La Pompeya, Campo Austral and Paladini.

"We highlight the excellent cooperative relationship we have with the Chinese authorities, which creates greater confidence, a better business climate and therefore allows us to achieve concrete results in order to continue strengthening our agricultural exports. industrialists, "said the secretary of the Government of the Government of Agribusiness. Luis Miguel Etchevehere.

In addition to this approval, a key agreement has been reached and will be extended to the rest of the meat. China will accept authorizations from the National Food Quality and Food Safety Authority (SENASA) for the approval of slaughterhouses for beef, poultry, sheep and swine.

"For the first time, China has signed an agreement with a foreign country that gives value to the relationship of mutual trust by allowing Senasa to be the entity that approves and directly authorizes the export of the goods." factories, "said Agroindustria in a statement. declaration.

"It's a big step forward, it does not require inspections from China as before," he said.
THE NATION, the chef of agribusiness, Santiago del Solar.

During the trip by Etchevehere, Chinese customs approved the authorization of 22 beef and poultry establishments pending authorization.

In the meantime, President Macri's announcement has had a positive impact on rural life. "The export mode consolidates that of increased production, that is to say the way to generate work and development throughout the interior of Argentina" said the president of the Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA), Daniel Pelegrina. "Pig farming offers the opportunity to process a lot of corn, which will allow this year to achieve a record harvest," he added.


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