Three thousand policemen looking for a thief and a Hollywood-worthy flight in France – 07/02/2018


In ten minutes and almost at lunchtime on Sunday, Faid escaped from the French Reau prison by helicopter when he was sentenced to 25 years of prison for killing a police officer an badault that went wrong. Three accomplices with Kalashnikov, black uniforms, a pilot kidnapped to carry out the act and released. Not a dead or wounded in the field of honor of the prison, the only one who had no roof against the helicopters. Yesterday, at least 3000 policemen were looking for him

An operation prepared as a film, which not only challenges the security of a prison without armed guards, but which again managed to fascinate France with a new escape spectacular in Hollywood of the intellectual, polyglot and cultured gangster of the underworld. Redon studied hundreds of police films, which he saw in prison, and which led him to thank his filmmakers for having inspired and taught him. This is his second spectacular escape and he will surely tell it in another of his books.

  Wanted. Photo dated January 12, 2011 of Redon Faid, sentenced to less than three months to 25 years in prison (EFE).

Wanted. Photo dated January 12, 2011 of Redon Faid, sentenced to less than three months to 25 years in prison (EFE).

With a little modesty, the French admit that they feel a fascination with the gangster Redoine Faid, in ] a process similar to that of Ronald Biggs the thief of the British postal train in London , who found refuge in Brazil and ended his life in London, plagued by poverty and nostalgia. A character from a French City who, while remaining a criminal, has the refined gestures, intelligence, good manners and culture of a character in a great adventure novel. A James Bond on the wrong side, who speaks fluent French, Arabic and Hebrew.

The last image of the police of Faid Redemption is sitting on the pbadenger seat of a white jumpsuit, leaving the parking lot of the mall O Parinor at Aulnay Sous Bois, at 15 minutes from Paris, a few hours after his Sunday escape. The white van is lost in the Seine Saint Denis, the immigrant neighborhood, which Faid knows as his home. At least 3000 French police are looking for him and until now no one has found him. His brother, who was with him in the visiting room when the commando who released him arrived, was arrested.

  This was the spectacular helicopter flight of the most famous prisoner of France "src =" https: // images. "data-big =" "data-small =" https: //images.clarin. com / 2018/06/30 / Byqra3wz7_110x110__1.jpg

Faid left in a small helicopter Alouette II, part of the French historical heritage, commanded by a pilot waiting for a student who, traumatized and threatened by a kalashnikov, landed in the court of honor of the prison and contributed to the escape. A prison institute considered as a model, with 600 prisoners, with unarmed guards, in the south of Paris

Only the guards in the points of view were armed and decided not to shoot. They warned the police: the ship could fall on the buildings. The operation lasted 10 minutes while other inmates lived and applauded the escapee and his accomplices.

He was released by three men dressed in black, armed, who abandoned and burned the helicopter. I was shocked and they continued to flee in a megane and in a white pickup truck to get lost.

  More than 3,000 police officers are looking for the helicopter escaped prisoner in France (EFE).

Search. More than 3,000 police are looking for the EFE (Escapeed Helicopter Taker) throughout France.

An investigation was launched to find out how he managed to escape and where this gangster managed to seduce the guards with his impeccable behavior. According to witnesses, the link was such that his guards brought him coffee in his isolation cell.

Redoine Faid is a seducer, a social predator with exquisite manners, who swore that he had left his judicial past when in 2010 he was released, and he visited the television studios promoting the book, which he He had written with the journalist Jerome Pierrat, whom he called "The Robber, Cities to Banditry". His character fascinated the journalists, the interlocutors, who believed him his redemption.

He is the son of a family of eleven brothers, journalists, mathematics teachers and only one of whom is known to the police. But in 2011, he fell again. It is there that the municipal police of Villiers sur Marne dies, in an unsuccessful burglary. They condemn him. "He's not a police killer," said Yasmina Belmokthar, his defense attorney.

  Spectacular helicopter getaway from the most famous prisoner of France "src =" svg "data-big =" "data-small =" jpg

Five years ago, he also escaped in 24 minutes. He takes four hostages, which he uses as human shields, before detonating the doors of the criminal establishment of Lille Sequedin with explosives. And he escaped by car, with an accomplice who was waiting for him. And during his flight he read "Toni, 11,16", the biography of Tony Musulin, who stole his own van loaded with values ​​in Lyon.

"Escape stethoscope", controls everything and has an acute criterion of its own logistics by fleeing or acting, according to those who seek it.

Bernard Petit, the policeman who found it in 2013, badured that this villain of the City of Creil "is authorized to all even the most ambitious plans, for his love of The firearms are only your last resort. "The police know that they will only have one or two chances to find him.

  inspection. The police checks the helicopter of Redon Faid (EFE).

inspection. The police checks the helicopter of Redon Faid (EFE).

When he returns to prison, he only thinks of one thing: to evade and isolate him in a cell. Fascinated by cinema, he is inspired by Heat, Michael Mann's film and The Solitaire. They are surprised upon their return to the directors, who had dismissed him with a lunch during his last outing: "Redoine, we hope that we will not see you here anymore". He returns, he runs away again and now the police hope to capture him.

In prison, the Balkan gang of Pink Panters, the Islamists of Beauvais and an ETA activist sentenced by the death of a police officer

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