Three-year-old girl has an IQ similar to Einstein’s


Her level of intelligence is such that she has already been accepted into the Mensa organization (which brings together various talent associations).

When her parents took the girl to a Mensa test to check their suspicions about the girl’s intelligence, little Dayaal surprised her advisor with a score of 142, not far from that of Albert Einstein (160).

Sarbjit Singh, the girl’s father, admitted they knew they were raising a genius when he started talking long before he even ran out of diapers.

As soon as the girl was accepted into the famous society, she was offered a scholarship to a private school in Edgbaston, at a reduced rate. However, the father assured that they still could not afford it.

When the girl started kindergarten, the parents’ suspicions were confirmed when the school principal called them to tell them that in 15 years he had never met a boy like Dayaal.

“I always spoke to Dayaal in an adult manner, not speaking like a baby and no matter what I told her she understood, to throw something to go get a diaper,” said Sarbjit, whose Raj wife, works as a lawyer.

In her report, Councilor Lynn Kendall said: “Dayaal is an exceptionally capable child, whose intelligence falls in the 99.9 percentile for her age.”

“I would rarely recommend removing a child from your current group. However, given Dayaal’s skills and maturity, in which case it could be something worth considering,” he said.

“At home, parents should focus on expanding Dayaal’s interests rather than math and English. Geography, nature, history, science, environment and culture are hardly touched in schools, especially at this age, and they will ensure that Dayaal has a broad knowledge base from which one to work on. It is also important that she begins to develop a high level of resilience. Dayaal is a lovely girl with very mature manners and a great sense of fun. “, condemned the expert.

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