Through tears, the British Defense Minister admitted that it was “unlikely” that he could evacuate all his Afghan allies.


British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace bit back tears as he admitted in an interview that it was “unlikely” Britain could evacuate all your Afghan allies from Kabul.

Speaking via a webcam on LBC Radio on Monday, Wallace said he was “deeply sorry” that all Afghans who qualified to enter the UK could not do so during the current evacuation campaign.

In addition to the nearly 4,000 Britons in Afghanistan, Britain handles requests from Afghans as interpreters.

When asked why the situation affected him “so personally” Wallace replied that because he was a soldier and “because it’s sad and the West did what it did. , and we have to do everything we can to get people out. fulfill our obligations after 20 years of sacrifice”.

Endless chaos in sight

While, all military and civilian flights have been suspended at Kabul airport due to the arrival on the runways of a crowd of Afghans trying to leave the country after the seizure of power by the Taliban, said Monday the spokesman of the Pentagon.

“US military forces are on the scene and are working with Turkish troops and other international troops to clean up the area. We don’t know how long that will take,” Defense Ministry spokesman John said. Kirby.

Separately, a US defense official claimed that the head of the central command had met face-to-face with senior Taliban leaders to urge his fighters to do not interfere with evacuation operations from the US Army at Kabul Airport in Afghanistan.

The officer said that at Sunday’s meeting in Doha, Qatar, General Frank McKenzie secured the Taliban’s agreement to set up a “deconfliction mechanism”, an agreement according to which the evacuation operations at the airport can continue without interference from the new leaders of the country.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations that have yet to be announced publicly.

The official said McKenzie urged the Taliban not to interfere in the evacuation and said the US military will react strongly to defend the airport if necessary.

With information from the Associated Press


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