Through the roof !: 734,000 new cases and 13,529 deaths in 24 hours


The new coronavirus pandemic has registered in the last 24 hours, more than 734,000 new cases and 13,529 deaths, two figures which are the second highest in the daily number of infections and deaths in the entire historical series, according to the report released Thursday by Johns Hopkins University.

With the new data, the global tally already stands at 74,248,878 infected and 1,649,480 deaths, while patients who have recovered stand at 41.9 million, led India with more than 9 , 48 million people have recovered.

United States has recorded the worst case data of the entire pandemic in recent weeks and adds more than 247,000 positives and 3,656 deaths to the latest daily toll, breaking the daily record for cases and deaths and already surpassing 16.9 million people infected with 307,501 dead.

India, the second most punished country in the world, continues the downward trend in the rate of infections. So far, it has over 9.95 million cases and accumulates 144,451 deaths.

Brazil it remains in third position in this ranking which is configured from data from 191 countries and territories with cases of coronavirus. The South American giant has recorded more than 7.04 million cases and 183,735 deaths.

In the case of Russia, records 2.7 million positives and 47,994 deaths, while France, located in fifth position, has so far recorded 2.46 million infections and 59,472 deaths.

Turkey, nearly 30,000 cases in 24 hours

After adding over 29,000 infections in the last day, turkey it ranks sixth among the countries hardest hit by the pandemic, with 1.92 million positives and 17,121 deaths. In United Kingdom There are 1.91 million people with coronavirus and 65,618 deaths. Italy, for its part, accumulates 1.88 million infections and 65,537 deaths.

As the ninth country most affected by the pandemic, Spain accumulates 1.77 million infections and 48,596 deaths, in the absence of an update of the balance sheet by the Spanish Ministry of Health on Thursday. The ‘top ten’ is closed by Argentina, the second country with the most cases in Latin America and which has accumulated more 1.51 million positives and 41,365 deaths, in front of Colombia, which records 1.45 million cases and 39,560 deaths.

Over a million cases are also Germany, with 1.42 million positives and 24,274 deaths; Mexico, which records 1.27 million positives and 115,769 deaths; Poland, which records 1.15 million infections and 23,914 deaths, and Iran, which accumulates 1.13 million positives with 52,883 deaths.


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