Throw and order in five steps! The cleaning revolution initiated by Marie Kondo


Marie Kondo is one of the 100 most influential people today according to the Time Magazine. This is a Japanese guru who is learning to organize the house to live in a more minimalist and more peaceful way.

His method involves five steps to achieve the desired order that we all seek at home and involves some changes in our way of life.

Grupo Edisur invites you to discover the KonMari method in order to be reconciled with the difficult task of controlling your home.

The clothes ordered in the closet. (Edisur Group)

Commitment to order

The first thing we should learn from this method is that it is a way of life. The founding guru of this movement encourages the families of his reality on Netflix, To order with Marie Kondo!, to acquire a true commitment to the order they wish to achieve.

It is therefore about creating habits that transform our home into a harmonious place that attracts positive emotions. To begin this research, we must visualize the life we ​​want to be able to materialize in our home.

Detail socks folded according to the method of Marie Kondo. (Edisur Group)

Sort by category

The method proposes to clbadify the objects by category and not by piece. The suggested order is to start with the clothes, then the books, then the papers, then continue with Komono (various articles), and finish with objects of sentimental value.

These are the five steps to put the house in order in a functional and sustainable way. In each of them, a lot will be created with the selected category, among all the storage places of the house.

The clothes must be arranged vertically and thus make better use of the space. (Edisur Group)

Vertical clothing

As for clothes, Marie Kondo offers to do a lot with all the clothes of the house and get rid of those we do not use and do not give us happiness. By stacking clothes, we can measure the amount we have.

Another element in relation to the original category is that the clothes we have decided to keep must be arranged vertically; In this way, it is easier to see and the space is better used.

Let go of the past

The philosophy of KonMari invites us to lead a minimalist life and get rid of all that is useless in our house. Therefore, when we reach the books category, Mary recommends leaving only our 30 favorites. With him Komono It also proposes to keep only the most necessary and useful elements and not to save objects "likely to become useful in the distant future".

Accumulating objects according to Mary forces us to cling to the past and prevents us from seeing the present and visualizing the future. With stationery, it is recommended to keep only important and strictly necessary documents in orderly files.

Items of sentimental value

As the most difficult category, Marie Kondo recommends putting it in order at the end, while we already have a good training to keep only the objects that awaken us joy.

With the photos, he suggests to release them from the albums and to stay only with those which we like the most. We usually have a lot of very similar photos of an occasion, we only choose the best ones.

The key is in joy

As we mentioned before, we must ask ourselves with each article of a category if it gives us joy. For this we must take it and if it does not make us happier, we thank you for sharing it and letting it pbad.

This important aspect of Kondo's philosophy is that we only have the things that make us happy in our home and we avoid buying to buy.

#Dato Edisur: I've discovered more tips for keeping your house tidy.

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