Tiananmen: thirty years later, Beijing still does not recognize the massacre that shocked the world


The Chinese government is facing on Tuesday one of the most painful anniversaries in its history: the 30th since the Tiananmen Mbadacre. Beijing continues to evade its responsibilities by denying the evidence and criminalizing the victims of the repression that ended the student protests.

"Although it may be (a period of 30 years) just a wink in the great river of history, it can be an eternity in a person's life." For 30 years, the dust has risen and fallen, the Luna has grown and shrunk, but nothing has alleviated the trauma and pain that inhabit us, "say the Tiananmen Mothers, a group of 155 relatives of the victims of the mbadacre who have dared to speak in public.

"Our tears have dried up, our forces have run out and our hearts have been broken," they said in a recent statement in which they urged the state, for the umpteenth time, to do justice.

However, the only response from Beijing has been more repression: whenever a sensitive date approaches, such as that of June 4, the Chinese government ensures to gag them with increased vigilance, as if the second world power was terrified at the thought of what she could trace a group of badagenarias.

The military moved students from the square in 1989 with fierce repression. Source: AP.
The military moved students from the square in 1989 with fierce repression. Source: AP.

His voice can not be heard in the censored state press, and the average Chinese can not access information that the foreign press writes about them, because the Internet is under a powerful blockade in China.

References to "Tiananmen" or "June 4" are unthinkable in the mouth of a Chinese official, for example. "On the political upheaval of the late 1980s," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang today, "the Chinese government came to a conclusion some time ago: 39 huge economic success that we got shows that the development path we have chosen is the right one"

A day earlier, the Chinese Minister of Defense, Wei Fanghe, had expressed the same position during his participation in a forum in Singapore.
Although the "mothers" added 155 family members, the death toll was higher, not counting the other types of victims. The total number is unknown.

Different sources speak of several hundreds, if not thousands, of a mbadacre that, although popularized under the name of "Tiananmen", has occurred in many parts of the Chinese capital.

"Nobody knows the exact number because, thirty years later, the Chinese authorities continue to do everything in their power to prevent people from asking questions about that day or even talking about it", said the NGO Amnesty International.

The student protests were sparked by the death of Chinese leader Hu Yaobang. Source: AP.
The student protests were sparked by the death of Chinese leader Hu Yaobang. Source: AP.

"The voluntary acceptance by the international community of the" agreement "of Chinese leaders after June 4 – economic reform without political reforms – and the inability to hold Chinese leaders responsible for the murder of their own people have unfortunately helped to trample what is happening in China today, "said Sharon Hom, executive director of Human Rights in China.

The mothers of Tiananmen are proof of this, and they continue to be upset by the fact that justice and memory have been buried under money.

The before and after the Tiananmen mbadacre. Source AFP: AP.
The before and after the Tiananmen mbadacre. Source AFP: AP.

"For years, many streets and alleys in Beijing," they recollect, "have been pierced with bullets and stained with blood." Thirty years later, criminal evidence was concealed under the facade of "prosperity", consisting of large buildings and viaducts. , the facts of the mbadacre are recorded in the story. "And they conclude:" Nobody can erase it, no power, no matter how powerful, can modify it, and there are no words or languages, through lists, which can deny."


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