Tiger: A pervert who distributed child pornography in the United States and Europe has fallen | the Chronicle


Federal Police Child and Youth Cybercrime Division (PFA) detained for one hour47-year-old man charged with distributing aggravated child sexual abuse material in the festivities of Buenos Aires Tigre and La Matanza and in several countries in America and Europe, reported this security force.

The investigation conducted by the PFA arose out of a complaint from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) of the United States, “in which it was reported that a Google user, located in Argentina, had distributed over 20,000 files containing sexual abuse to boys and girls, mostly between 4 and 10 years old“According to a statement from the PFA,

The investigations of the federal police made it possible to establish the origin of the IP connections and the address of the suspect, located in Benavidez, province of Buenos Aires.

From this place, as it was found, the pornographic material that was distributed, among other countries, in United States, Sweden, Denmark, Ukraine and Russia.

The teaching functional unit specializing in crimes related to human trafficking and child pornography of San Isidro, in charge of Dr.
Gonzalo Acosta,
ordered force personnel to search the house, where the person was being held, and a notebook, processor, six cell phones and other documents important to the cause were seized. “

Objects seized by the federal police.

Objects seized by the federal police.

The 47-year-old suspect, as well as the kidnapped elements, were at the disposal of the magistrate intervening in the case “Distribution of aggravated child pornography”, adds the official information.

The investigation carried out is part of the efforts to professionalize the federal security forces in complex crimes and their transnational ramifications.

The Minister of National Security,
Sabina Frédéric,
raised with the federal forces the need for their modernization, updating and permanent training in terms of this typology of complex crimes which have acquired a global dimension and which are part of the international agenda against computer crimes and their interweaving with crimes of sexual abuse against girls, boys and adolescents and against child pornography “.

The PFA statement adds that
<< Une fois que les plus de 20 000 fichiers de la base de données d'Interpol sur l'exploitation sexuelle des enfants -ICSE- auront été inspectés, administrés par la Division des cybercrimes contre les enfants et les adolescents, et dont l'objectif est d'identifier les victimes et d'arrêter leurs auteurs, il a été déterminé que plus de 70 de ces dossiers avaient été dénoncés par les unités de police spécialisées dans les crimes contre les mineurs en République tchèque, aux États-Unis, en Suède, au Danemark, en Ukraine, au Costa Rica, en Hongrie, en Russie et au Canada. >>

There, 23 victims and 22 attackers were identified, which led to the opening of new investigations in these countries, the statement concluded.


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