Tik Tok: A girl recounted how a botox injection ruined her smile | the Chronicle


The ticker, Montanna Morris, a girl her doctor recommended Botox injection to treat your temporomandibular joint disorder (ATM), used the social red to recount the bad experience he had after applying this substance.

“My doctor had prescribed muscle relaxants for me before, but it didn’t help, so he recommended botox as an option before major jaw surgery. Whoever injected it told me that I would have the final results in a week or two. but my face was already paralyzing in four days, so I knew it was going to be bad “, explained the young woman in a video uploaded to the platform.

“The width of my mouth started to get shorter. I could see my teeth less and less when I smiled, that’s the first thing I noticed. Then my dimples were almost completely gone., he said.

And continued: “My condition has improved, my jaw opened soon after the treatment and it locks up a lot less now, but surprisingly I have more pain than before. Due to the paralysis I had a lot of muscle atrophy which made chewing some things more difficult for me“.

As Morris pointed out, it seems that a person who was not a specialist injected the botox into the masseter muscle, which caused the paralysis.

The doctor Jorge Ferrús, implantologist and periodontist, co-founder of the Ferrus & Bratos dental clinic in Madrid, explained: “As Botox results in nerve blocking, it does not act directly on the muscle. Therefore, if it is applied to the face, it will have an immobilizing and anesthetic effect on the muscles near the temporomandibular joint. mandibular.


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