TikTok: African tribe member tasted chocolate for the first time and his reaction went viral | the Chronicle


Young man from African tribe was recorded eating chocolate for the first time in his life and his reaction caused the video to quickly go viral on the Tik Tok social network.

In the pictures you can see how the protagonist looks at the product in amazement and slowly cuts off a piece of tablet. Then eat a little taste the flavor and can’t help but smile while looking at the camera.

The smile ended up conquering the users, who decided to share and send the images to their friends. So far, the post has been viewed by more than 68 million people.

After the clip became so popular, the user who shared it posted a video with the same young man as the African stroked his beard. The initial post was accompanied by an enigmatic phrase: “Soon your life will change”, suggesting that the chocolate he shared was the first the young man ate in his life.

The video that went viral on TikTok


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