Tinder must pay compensation millionaire discrimination – 26/01/2019


The Tinder informal meetings platform will pay $ 23 million for some 230,000 people who have filed a clbad action against the company in the USA. by discriminating at a higher price users aged 30 or over, according to an out-of-court settlement made public today.

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The lawsuit was filed last April in a California court accusing Tinder of "discriminating" against users over 29 by accusing them twice as much for subscribing to Tinder Plus or Tinder Gold payment services. which have additional advantages. regarding the free service.


The "S" that slips to activate the Tinder Selection filter.

The West Hollywood, California-based company has justified this price difference by ensuring that teens and 20-year-olds have lower purchasing power and need lower prices to use the service, but applicants have estimated it was an age discrimination exercise.

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With the agreement, each of the 230,000 plaintiffs will automatically receive 50 "Super Likes" (a payment option indicating a great interest in knowing a specific person on the platform), which equates to a disbursement of 50 dollars.

Source: EFE


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