"Tinder of culture": France gives 500 euros to young people to consume cinema, theater, music and books – 11/02/2019


"Sometimes we joke saying that it's a lighter of culture."

The definition belongs to Eric Garandeau, responsible for the device that levels the extraordinary experience launched by the French government this week: every citizen who reaches the age of 18 has a credit of 500 euros to allocate to cultural consumption.

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It is about a campaign promise that President Emmanuel Macron had directed and participated in a mid-year test with 13,000 young people.

The "Cultural Pbad" is activated with an application that has created the state and works on phones and tablets. It provides access to a series of geolocated services and activities based on the location of the user.

The cover of the official website. (Pbad.culture.fr)

The cover of the official website. (Pbad.culture.fr)

"The Macron Pbad lets you buy books, DVDs, movie tickets, theater and concerts, sign up for workshops and courses, or subscribe to streaming", details the Spanish newspaper The country.

The Minister of Culture, Franck Riester, declared that his "first mission" was put the art at your fingertips "around the world": if progress is achieved as planned, about 200,000 adolescents will benefit by the end of 2020, according to a calculation of the French newspaper The world.

The application will be open to all citizens, but only those who turn 18 will have the money credited.

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"It's a new universal service of culture, perhaps of similar size to the invention of public television ", compared the official Riester.

As noted The country, "is the first time (since the creation of the Ministry of Culture in 1959 by the hand of the writer André Malraux) that we prefer subsidize the demand and not the offer ".

The budget for the 6 months of testing is about 34 million euros and they hope that private initiative will be reduced by reducing prices or offering certain services for free. There are already about 900 non-state partners.

The Parisian considers that if all young people are included, a departure from 400 million euros per year, that the government seeks to resolve with its own funds to a maximum of 80%.

Giants like Google, Apple and Netflix were invited, but none of these companies accepted until now.

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According to the project text, the cultural pbad "has the ambition" to build a model designed to "expand preferences and tastes", so the algorithm will propose different consumptions from those already chosen.

Macron's initiative is inspired by the so-called "cultural links" valid in Italy since 2016, with similar amounts and recipients.

sources: The country, The World, publico.es, pbad.culture.fr, archives. (AEZ)


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