Tinder will allow to send bitmojis among its users


The new function will begin its testing period in Canada and Mexico.

  Tinder will send bitmojis among its users "title =" Tinder will send bitmojis among its users "/>
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Tinder the application founded in 2012 and which has been commonly used to make appointments, announced on July 17 that its users in Canada and Mexico, they will be able to send their Bitmoji contacts.

Meanwhile, the application promises that at least in these countries the messages will be a little more colorful.

For this, users will have to connect Tinder and Snapchat to their mobile devices and once To do this, you can send Bitmoji stickers to those who want it since the Tinder chat. Until now it is only a test.

To take advantage of the new feature, just press the new Bitmoji green icon next to the chat window and then connect the app to your account. Snapchat . Contacts with whom the person has "matched", will only see the person's Bitmoji avatar.

This new test development of the application has already been seen with the launch of Snapchat's Snap Kit. This allows application manufacturers to integrate parts of Snap into their own products.

It should be noted that the Tinder application does not allow users to send pictures to each other, probably because of the fear of inappropriate content. or just undesirable.

Due to the above, the company decided to start testing how to allow users to incorporate more of themselves in the application without the # Open completely to all content. For example, Tinder users will now be able to create GIF "loops" for their profile.

Although Bitmoji may not seem like a very "personal" feature that meets the expectations of some of its users, there is no doubt or an option that helps to give even more life to conversations that occur in the application.

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