“Tinder’s Gold Digger”: a musician dated a girl and she drugged him to steal everything on the first date


The way to seek and find a mate in the 21st century has changed dramatically. Just a few years ago you could meet the love of your life in a bar or a bowling alley but the pandemic but new technologies have also changed our way of communicating. the dating app like Tinder, they have become one of the great tools for finding a partner.

While there are many love stories that started out this way, there are other instances where the other person’s technology and trust is used to cheat and steal. The same happened to a German musician who lives in Colombia with a woman he met online.

The man reached out to Gabriela via Tinder and they followed the conversation on WhatsApp. After several days, they decided to meet but nothing went as planned: the musician ended up in the hospital with serious injuries after the robbery and the rip-off of the woman.

“He stole my cell phone, my computer, my camera with multiple lenses, my cell phone, my watch, my mother’s jewelry. My mother passed away a few years ago and it was like a legacy. This woman stole my peace of mind, ”the man told Caracol TV.

According to the testimony of the musician, the woman gave him scopolamine, a drug better known as “burundaga”. This substance is used to control a person and turn him into a victim in order to subjugate him and commit crimes.

Gabriela, the Tinder profile that cheated on the musician. Photo: Capture a snail on TV

The man was left unconscious for two days at his home while Gabriela stole all of his belongings. Thanks to the help of his friends who were able to rescue him and take him to the nearest hospital. Upon awakening, the musician was full of blows to his arms, legs and face. “After that, I couldn’t contact her anymore because she had blocked me“, He added.

Police are still looking for the woman who scammed, drugged and robbed the musician. According to the information provided by him, with the phone number, they could find the whereabouts of this woman and thus prevent her from committing further theft and deception.

How to avoid being cheated on a dating app

To avoid falling into this type of deception or scams, you should take into account a few minimum recommendations:

– Avoid continuing the conversation with the person outside the platform

– Investigate the name of the user on other social networks. Pay attention to the situations that matter.

– Do not send gifts or money

– Don’t send personal photos or videos until you know who you are chatting with


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