Tips to relieve the baby when his teeth come out


Foto: Noticias24

(Caracas, July 20. News24) The first teeth begin to emerge between five and nine months, and usually show different symptoms that cause a lot of discomfort. When the child goes through this stage, his gums become inflamed and his sensitivity increases, causing discomfort and pain. In addition, you may have a few lines of fever, loss of appetite and drool more than usual.

How to calm the pain?

• Gentle mbadage. With great care and delicacy, do them to the baby's gums in a circular manner with a finger. This can be done several times a day and relief will be immediate.

• Mordillos. They are especially recommended those that contain liquid inside, to cool down and act as painkillers. The use of these accessories, in turn, will prevent the baby from putting in his mouth other objects that could harm him.

• Cold cloths. A good option is to refrigerate wet rags and gently rub them on the gums or just let the baby bite in.

• Mashed cold homemade fruit. It can also be very useful to walk on fresh fruits and refrigerate them in the refrigerator before giving them to the baby, as it produces an badgesic and totally anti-inflammatory effect.

• The lower incisor teeth: between 5 and 9 months.

• Upper incisor teeth: 7 to 11 months

• Upper lateral teeth: 9 to 13 months

• Lower lateral teeth: 10 to 16 months.

• Upper and lower first molars: between 12 and 18 months of age

• Upper and lower canines: between 18 and 24 months of age

• Second lower and upper molars: between 24 and 30 months of age

Once As the teeth start to come out, it is advisable to consult a pediatric dentist to start taking care of the baby's oral health properly. In turn, it is very important to start as soon as possible with the hygiene of each dental room, two or three times a day with the items indicated for babies (pod brush and toothbrushes for babies).

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