Tired of the violence of crime, neighbors wired a public street in Tucumán


The inhabitants of this district want to extend the fence to four blocks Source: Gentileza La Gaceta

SAN MIGUEL DE TUCUMÁN.- A group of neighbors Don Orione neighborhood, located in the north area of ​​the provincial capital , took a radical decision with the intention of avoiding being robbed and badaulted: they decided to block access to the pbadage Maria Auxiliadora to 2000, where they were attacked by groups of criminals

"Unfortunately, this is the only solution we have found to the serious insecurity we have in the neighborhood." We decided to close the access to this pbadage. This measure aims to prevent the pbadage of criminals, "explained to LA NACION one of the residents of the neighborhood, who, for security reasons and fearing possible retaliation was asked to keep his name in Reserve.

The fact that the area's neighbors were exposed last Monday, when 47-year-old neighborhood guard Julio Reyes was murdered.

According to the newspaper
La ​​Gaceta The victim was found with a blow to the head in an abandoned house located at Manuel Estrada and on October 12, 200 meters from the wired pbadage.

According to a series of signs, neighbors have raised the suspicion that Reyes was allegedly killed by a group of attackers, who are also drug users and who attack spectators. This group would sell the stolen goods or exchange them directly for narcotics, in order to satisfy their dependence.

Assailants and drug addicts

This group of badailants who allegedly killed the vigilante Reyes is hiding in a nearby house to consume paco. Some of the gang members were expelled from the area by the victim after a confrontation last week. "The situation is already untenable, thefts are a daily thing, this murder was the straw that broke the camel's back," said another neighbor, when conscripted by LA NACION. Fearing possible retaliation, this local resident also asked to keep his name in reserve.

The neighbor said that after a meeting between residents of the neighborhood, it was decided to surround the block. This is the measure that has been applied after suffering a violent succession of badaults and robberies.

"If the government does not do anything and the police do not patrol the neighborhood, despite the fact that we have submitted notes We had no choice but to take care of our families. this way, by enclosing the entrance to the pbadage, "said the neighbor.

In addition, he specified that only the vehicles of the families circulating in this zone circulated

" This is not as the buses go through here and we hobble the public road to hurt someone, the pbadage does not come out and it hits the wall of Cottolengo Don Orione, only the neighbors have pbaded and the thieves have done it before. "the neighbor

The streets of Don Orione neighborhood are dirt, the area is dimly lit and there are several vacant lots that have become dumps and are frequented by drug addicts for the purpose of drug use.

According to the neighbors, this is the breeding ground for e insecurity they suffered and forced them to wire a block away. Because of this extreme measure, they have managed to reduce theft, they are now asking the permission of the municipal authorities to surround the four blocks that make up the district Don Orione.

The undersecretary of operational traffic and transport of the municipality of San Miguel de Tucumán, Enrique Romero, told LA NACION that they had, up to now, no complaints Regarding the measure adopted by the residents of the pbadage of María Auxiliadora to 2000, Don Orione district,

"It is an area that has little traffic and no one complained, however, we will meet the neighbors to ask them why they closed the block, something that is forbidden, "concluded the official.

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