TN in Chile: the sixth day of demonstrations, incidents, looting and clashes continue in Santiago


he chaos and social tensions in Chile do not diminish and this Wednesday, there are new demonstrations in different parts of Santiago. As confirmed by the government of the neighboring country, there are already 18 dead, including a 4-year-old boy, and looting and clashes continue between the protesters and the police.

The numbers are alarming: 269 ​​injured and 1900 arrested, according to the National Institute of Human Rights. Not even the announcement of President Sebastián Piñera served to calm the waters. On Tuesday evening, the president announced the decision to launch an agenda of "national unity" with social measures aimed at reducing inequalities. Among these, a drop in the price of drugs and an increase in the minimum wage.

The answer was a new day of mobilizations and clashes, the sixth in a row.

The Chilean Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Hernán Larraín, on Wednesday referred to recent acts of violence and destruction perpetrated in the public patrimony. "It hurts us deeply to check the existence of dead people, or who have suffered from the events that have occurred these days, we are worried, it hurts us", he said, and rejected the versions on the alleged detention centers.

A citizen carries the flag of Chile just meters away from a police car. Credits: AP.
A citizen carries the flag of Chile just meters away from a police car. Credits: AP.

The trans-Andean country continue in a state of emergency under the strict control of the army and the permanence of the curfew, that is to say the prohibition of driving on the streets after 20 years. Only license holders can do this.

Among the main complaints of Protestants are the privatization of the pension model, the economic difficulties of access to the health system and low wages.

An effective opens fire on the demonstrators. Credits: Reuters.
An effective opens fire on the demonstrators. Credits: Reuters.

Until the demonstrations in Santiago proceed smoothly, but the situation collapsed a few minutes before: there were pebbles, ejaculations and new looting. The mobilization focuses on Plaza Italia in Santiago and its surrounding streets. At the same time, demonstrations take place on the main road of Valparaíso (center), Iquique pier (north) and Plaza de Armas de Curicó (south).

Meanwhile, the Santiago Metro operates with three partial lines, although colleges and universities remain classless and the business activity has been significantly reduced due to the cessation of activities in 670 premises.


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