TN to Chichen Itza, waiting for the "feathered serpent"


TN is in Mexico to live one of the most important events of the year. José Bianco traveled to Chichen Itza, Mexico, to witness the decline offeathered serpent", a phenomenon that occurs at the equinox and that attracts thousands of people from around the world.

It's an incredible combination of lights and shadows, which allows us to see how Kukulkan's body, the Mayan deity, descends the pyramid until reaching the stone head at the base. of the temple. Even if the event will reach its maximum this Thursday at 20 hours (Argentina time), today there was an advance, which was captured by the cameras TN.

"For them (the Maya), as an agricultural society, it was very important to establish the seasons.In this sense, the observation of the Sun, the Moon and other planets was very precise, "said Marco Antonio Santos Ramírez, Mexican archaeologist. "The Mayans never did things randomly, everything was planned"He added.

The pyramid of Kukulkan, waiting for the
The pyramid of Kukulkan, waiting for the "feathered serpent" (Source: Shutterstock).

The descent takes place at the equinox, the moment when the Earth is lit in the same way by the sun in both hemispheres. The "feathered serpent" is a demonstration of great knowledge who had the ancient civilization that inhabited Mexican territory.

Meanwhile, autumn in the southern hemisphere and spring in the northern hemisphere do not arrive alone this year: they are accompanied by a superluna, the third and last of the year, the "supermoon worm"


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