To a plague of rats of biblical proportions, Australia adds a “spider apocalypse” to its woes


Various areas of Gippsland, Australia woke up covered in spider web blankets, so they called it a “Spider Apocalypse”, as the country battles a plague of rats. This happened amid heavy flooding rains in Victoria.

This phenomenon has been photographed and made known by several users of the social network Reddit. According to the pictures, you can see the spiders’ attempts to run away flooding and seek shelter on higher ground.

Professor Dieter Hochuli of the University of Sydney has determined that this episode, in which the spiders develop their web, does not refer to the animal’s unusual behavior after the floods. (Photo: Reddit / hdjwiax)

“If the floods they weren’t enough, here I bring you the apocalypse of the spider, ”the publications said.

Due to heavy rains, over the past week, several streets and roads in the Australian region they were closed. In turn, the strong storm left residents Without electricity.

Professor Dieter Hochuli, from the University of Sydney determined that this episode, in which the spiders develop their web, does not refer to a unusual behavior of the animal after the floods.

“They are building a network that is a little different from the ones we know, like the orb networks, which are flat. Spiders often they live between two layers of cobwebs ”, expressed the teacher in the middle 7 News.

The professor added that, “when we get this kind of heavy rains and their flooding, these animals, which spend most of their lives on the ground, they can no longer live there. “So arachnids do exactly what a human would do as well: move to higher ground», He concluded.

With a forecast that there will be at least 5 centimeters of water at Gippsland this week, it is believed that the spiders could persist, one more time, with his survival tactics.

Many streets and roads in the area were closed due to the storm, but this “spider apocalypse” resulted. (Photo: Reddit / hdjwiax)

Local reports have explained that this phenomenon is known as “world”, since, given these climatic conditions, spiders cover several extensions of the earth with their cobwebs in the form of “clouds”.

Australia must now beware of any increase in spiders, while tackling the terrible rat infestation, which is already created problems for farmers and farmers.


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