To an unprecedented degree, they released three Liceo students for bomb threats


This is a sixth grade boy and two fifth. They applied 25 warnings, so they can not attend clbades but they can take clbades. UNLP had advised deporting them. The students protested against the measure. Yesterday, there was more intimidation

"The outbreak" of bomb threats suffered by schools in the region added in the last hours an unprecedented episode as, for some, controversial: in the Liceo Víctor Mercante school to three students who acknowledged made intimidating appeals the authorities of the establishment resolved to apply 25 reprimands, leaving them free, although from the legal area of ​​the National University of La Plata (UNLP) had been recommended to deport them according to the seriousness of the facts.

imposed in the institution of the diagonal 77 between 4 and 5 – unusual in schools in the region despite the endless saga of false complaints – generated a stir and some controversy. There were those who considered that an "exemplifying" sanction should be applied and that the students involved should be thrown directly – as they said, that was the suggestion of the UNLP, under the auspices. whose orbit is the Lyceum -. Others, especially clbadmates, felt that the punishment was excessive and even protested against the measure pbaded.

As in countless schools in the Region, they received the last days of high school. minus four warning calls on suspected explosive devices. As usual, in all cases there were false alarms, but by protocol it was necessary to evacuate the school to perform the necessary inspections.

As the authorities filed criminal complaints for these episodes, the La Plata justice opened different files with the authors of the appeals. So, a few days ago, after conducting telephone crossings, the investigators in charge of the prosecutor María Cecilia Corfield, UFI 15, broke into three houses in which they found two suspects, among them, a teenager of 17 years Liceo and accused by the threats.

UNIX Secretary of Law and Legal Affairs Julio Mazzotta told EL DIA that in this scenario two other students confessed to having also made threats. "I suppose that before the looming court proceedings, they decided to confess," he said.

"It was not that they called and presented themselves twenty minutes after uttering threats," the UNLP legal adviser said. "They came when, through the other case, they saw that raids had already been carried out," he said, with what, presumably, cases were advancing and could be discovered. one moment to the next

. The students – one from the last year and two from the fifth – explained that it was badyzed jointly by the UNLP and the school, although finally the Liceo authorities opted for a " intermediate sanction ".

Mazotta clarified that teens They were expelled from the educational institution, but they put 25 warnings to reach the limit, so they were in the condition of "free". This means that they will not be able to attend clbades and that they will have to take any courses not completed by the end of the school year.

The Secretary of Legal Affairs stated that "my opinion before the school authorities was that they should receive the most severe sanction. and more importantly, it was expulsion. "However, he said, at school they understood" that it was better to apply an intermediate-type sanction and that this sanction was to apply the maximum limit of reprimands with which the students are free, "he said

they are free and will be able to take the subjects for free, but they will not be able to attend the clbades. need, the school will provide them with materials to provide or psychological and pedagogical support, but they will not be able to go to school. "

The UNLPs declared that among the sanctions, there is same possibility of expulsion from the preschool but from the UNLP, "which is a much more serious situation" because it also includes faculties, but "this did not apply "

In disciplinary matters, students who attend university colleges are subject to u Disciplinary regime of UNLP students, Ordinance 187/87, which includes the following sanctions: warning; suspension of up to five years and expulsion. "All sanctions will be graded taking into account the seriousness of the fault, its reiteration, the history of the student and, if appropriate, the damage caused," said the regime.

On the measure pbaded, Mazzotta considers that we apply an exemplary punishment, "and stresses that" the lack is extremely serious, because for four days we took 450 boys from high school and took them to the Patio del Rectorado. We made them walk in the center, at rush hour, where any accident or anything else can happen. And the children's leaders, because they're in clbad, it's us, the University, "points out the official.

Similarly, counsel acknowledged that "we do not know if this will end, but we must do something. , La Plata is full of bomb threats. "


The situation upset the educational community of Liceo to such an extent that a group of students yesterday held a sit-in and, according to the reports, the authorities met the students on the subject.

Previously, in social networks a text circulated in which the sit-in was summoned and the reasons were explained.They underlined that "committed students have voluntarily presented to the school authorities expressing their regret for the events that took place.One of the students has a criminal case and a letter stating that the institution can not take the steps that it takes. "

They emphasized, in turn, that "the institution continues to affirm that it defends and protects students,"

They also thought that "a school attached to the rights of the man must act to defend the interest and a far more severe measure was taken than in comparison, for example, with cases of gender-based violence. verbal, physical and psychological

The newspaper repeatedly communicated with the school to obtain a comment, but, after several unsuccessful attempts, they indicated that no authority would refer to the subject.


Students of different courses were evacuated by the authorities of the National University before each bomb threat in the Liceo Mercante School. The boys were taken on foot to the Patio del Rectorado, with the risk that this implies.

threats received – at least – in the last days at the Lyceum. In these cases, three students – one in the sixth year and two in the fifth year – admitted to having made the appeals and applied a disciplinary sanction for which they remained in the "free" condition.

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