To avenge the dead at sea: a Senegalese bus driver fired a school bus with more than 50 children on board in Milan


A school bus driverof Senegalese origin and of Italian nationality, was very close to threatening the lives of more than 50 children and cause a real tragedy.

The man set this vehicle on fire Wednesday as he was traveling to the city of San Donato Milanese, in northern Italy.

According to a first reconstruction of the facts quoted by certain media, the striker hijacked the bus with students from a school of cream (north of Italy) and three adult companions, and he confessed his intention to take them to Milan-Linate airport.

It was then that a student managed to warn the carabinieri with your cell phone of the pursuit of the vehicle.


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At one point, the man (who had been nationalized Italian in 2004) had some of the bus students in the middle of the road and began to pour gasoline into the vehicle and then fired with the intention of "avenging the dead at sea" and committing suicide, according to the same information.

The riflemen explained to the Sky TV channel that by the time the man had set the bus on fire, some of the students had already got off.

When the security guards managed to neutralize the driver, they broke the windows and the back door of the bus to allow people who were still inside to leave, said the prosecutor of Milan, Francesco Greco.

Set the microphone on fire with the students

For his part, the managing director of the Azienda Regionale Emergenza Urgenza, who manages the emergencies in Lombardy, badured Sky that students and companions were unharmed, except for one hospitalized for minor injuries.

The driver, who was also unscathed, had a history of impaired driving and is currently under investigation for kidnapping people with aggravating circumstances, according to local sources.


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