To avoid being copied, a school asked its students to use cardboard boxes on their heads


A school of the India He remained at the center of the controversy after his teachers asked students to use cardboard boxes in the Head so as not to copy in the exams. After several images became viral on social networks, local authorities started to investigate the institution, which had to publicly apologize.

The controversial method began to be applied in the Bhagat Pre-university School, in the town of Haveri. On photographs circulating on the Internet, you can see how students from different courses perform their tests with boxes on their heads, which are open at the front, so that they can only see # 39; before.

The school has implemented the method in several of its courses (Photo: Twitter / @ sidchat1).
The school has implemented the method in several of its courses (Photo: Twitter / @ sidchat1).

After the broadcast of the images, the deputy director of the city's pre-university education council, S.C. Peerjade said Time of India: "The institution has been warned for this practice and were invited to explanations of the case. Whatever your goal, students can not be forced to use boxes to head for an exam. No state rule or recommendation supports it. "

According to the manager, the method used is "inhuman" and the school is expressly instructed to stop using it under any circumstances.

Local authorities have banned the institution from continuing this practice (Photo: Twitter / @ sidchat1).
Local authorities have banned the institution from continuing this practice (Photo: Twitter / @ sidchat1).

The discharge of the institution

Following the importance of the case, the administrator of the school, Mr. B. Satish, is excused for having implemented the particular "copy system". In this regard, he decided to incorporate it after learning that it was used in other institutions and that students were not obliged to use the boxes.

"There was no obligation of any kind. You can see in one of the photographs that some students did not wear them. Others used them and released them after 15 or 20 minutes, and after one hour, we asked them to stop using them, "he said.


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