to be Christians not only in word but in deed


Pope Francis stressed the importance “of being Christians not only in word, but in deed”. This is what the Holy Father said at the reception of the “Lazare” association on May 21.

The audience took place on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of its founding, and in a speech which was not delivered but which the Pope gave during the audience at the Vatican, he thanked them for “their commitment. and their dedication ”, for trying to“ be Christians, not only in word, but in deed ”.

Likewise, in the text, the Pontiff underlined some of the principles on which this association is based, for example “to be oneself with others, to find joy, to feel loved, to learn kindness in the family, to live together with a lot of care. simplicity”.

“These principles only make sense and forge a stable group if they stem from a solid friendship with Christ, source of his work for good. Coming out to meet others in their situation and forming a family in which harmony and the joy of living together reign, they participate in the Church’s mission of going to the outskirts of our society, ”added the Pope.

In addition, the Holy Father recalled that in May 2020, he sent a video message to this association in which he stressed that “the existential peripheries are the center of the heart of God” and added that “Jesus wanted to come to our existential peripheries. He himself has become an existential periphery ”.

Then, the Pope recognized that “it is always a joy to see that today too many people, full of faith, good will and courage, are committed live the service experience and fraternity ”and thanked the work they do in“ the service of human dignity ”because they are“ close to the excluded, without a fixed address, rejected, often betrayed in their rights ”.

By serving them, they serve the Lord himself. With their apostolate, they help us to understand that each person is a sacred story, an inestimable gift ”, declared the Pope.

In this sense, the Holy Father underlined that “in these times of uncertainty, of fragility, instead of wasting your life thinking only of yourself, you have the experience of living together in solidarity. It gives them a way to enrich their lives by becoming source of hope for those who no longer believe in themselves and who feel humiliated“.

“Don’t be afraid to pass on the torch of hope and love. Be witnesses of the tenderness of God in the midst of the culture of selfishness, individualism, indifference, rejection, contempt for the poor and the weak ”, invited the Pope.

Finally, el Santo Padre dijo que esta iniciativa es una “hermosa aventura con su historia, a veces llena de tristeza, soledad, lagrimas, pruebas, exclusión y rechazo, its a precioso donation that our hace ver el amor del Señor” y advirtió que These persons “They are not rejected, inferior, failures, as society sometimes wants us to believe. In the eyes of God, they are a treasure, a gift, a life, a dignity. On their faces we see the suffering face of Christ who invites us to urgent love and an open heart ”.

“Today more than ever, we need to build a world, a society of fraternal relations full of life”, added the Pope who urged “to be witnesses, witnesses of the mercy and goodness of God “.


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