To revive the "Simple Export" program, the government will reward SME shipments


Boosting production

Since its launch in late 2017, the platform that simplifies shipments has been used by 218 companies, which sent goods for US $ 3.7 million.

In order to give a new impetus to the program " Exports Simple ", the Government announced that it would again subsidize deliveries of 1,000 new exporters ] operated by the regime

Since its launch, which took place at the end of 2017 and which was attended by President Macri, this system was used by some 218 SMEs who performed a little more than 1100 operations for an amount of [$ $ 3.7 million.

It should be noted that in mid-June, in order to generate greater enthusiasm among SMEs, the Macrismo had already decided to discount 1,300 shipments until the end of June. to December 28 with the possibility of extension.

On this occasion, the Government decided that the small and medium-sized enterprises which make their first export with this platform will have reduced by 100% the maritime transport until 100 kg. by the couriers Raico and DHL.

According to the Ministry of Production, couriers participate with a reduction of 80% of the tariff and the State, through the Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade, Bonus the remaining 20%.

Of macrismo they emphasize that the regime facilitates the foreign trade of products of PyMEs, since it allows them to export by mails and mail simply loading the data of l & # 39; 39, operation in a web portal, 100% online and door to door, without having to resort to intermediaries.

"We increase the cost of sending 1,000 exports because the Argentineans need the SMEs to start looking at the opportunities that the world offers them and to encourage them to export, because That is how we want companies across the country to know about this tool and to verify that, thanks to them, they can make small exports very simply, it's the starting point for them to start their way of exporting, selling more and opening new markets, with the aim of generating more and better jobs, "said the Minister of Production, Dante Sica. Export up to 300 kilos per shipment and for a maximum value of US $ 15,000, with an annual ceiling of US $ 600,000.

– This marks a difference from what happened until the end of the year. at present, which allowed only shipments up to 50 kilos. [1965] 9005] As for the dynamics, they explained that by entering a website, "in a few clicks and in a very simple way, an operation as complex as an export can be closed .

It should be noted that in addition to the city of Buenos Aires, the provinces that used it the most up to now Aires, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Mendoza, Entr e Ríos, Jujuy, Chubut, Corrientes and Tucumán

Meanwhile, export destinations were 76 countries. The United States is the main destination and, in the past month, nine new destinations have been added, such as China, Estonia and Lithuania.

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