To save on mobiles and control traffic, the Municipality recovers an old vehicle


The Urban Planning Department repaired an old vehicle that belonged to the Parks Department and which had been abandoned since 2006: the idea is that it could be used by traffic controllers to go out and check the streets.

“The possibility of adding this load of motorcycles arose because our agency needs cellphones to be able to control, but at the moment it is not possible to make additional expenses nor to buy a car. This is why we decided to resort to municipal heritage and we found it abandoned to the Department of Parks ”, declared Martín Moyano, Director of Urbanism.

Mechanics from the municipality and from Bahía Transporte Sapem devoted themselves to putting it in working order and finally, this morning, it went out into the streets.

“It is an ideal vehicle because it allows for agile movement and control of the streets of the center at peak times to ensure that the exclusive transport routes are cleared and that the ‘no parking’ zones are respected” Moyano added.

This is how they found the new vehicle

The manager pointed out that “it’s inexpensive and even an attraction for many children. The reality is that we thought about putting an electric motor in it, but for a question of cost we decided to leave the original one and to limit the power “.


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