
"If we could somehow enter the quantum realm and leave it in the same place but in another time." That's what throws Ant-Man to Captain America and Black Widow as a way to defeat Thanos in Avengers: End of the game.

But we are talking about a film that raises Time travel through a one-dimensional incursion unverified, so Back in time is not possible at the moment. Where is it?

An experiment of quantum physicists managed to apply a algorithm called "the fountain of youth", in a cell thanks to a computer, realizing Reverse the time in fractions of a second.

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The experiment was carried out by means of simulation of the algorithm in an IBM quantum computer, the one who applied the calculation in a cell and He reversed the time of a millionth of a second.

While that's a moment, it is the first time that they manage to find a calculation allowing to "travel in the time", an improbable but proven success.

"We show that to bring back even a single quantum particle in time is an insurmountable task for nature"He commented in an email Valerii M. Vinokur, Argonne National Laboratory, New York Times.

The scientist added that, although this is feasible, "a system that includes two particles is even more irreversible, not to mention the eggs (made up of billions of particles) that we break to make an omelet."

How was the experiment carried out?

The quantum computers work with cubits or quantum bits, which can be 0 or 1 at a time, not like a normal computer. With that, they are made thousands or millions of huge mathematical calculations in fractions of a secondas long as nobody sees the answer until the end.

The IBM computer is 5 cubits. There are 16 or 20 and Google, called "Bristlecone" has 72. In the case of the experiment, only 2 and then 3 cubits were used to simulate the algorithm.

L & # 39; algorithm almost always worked. He managed to bring the cubits back to their juvenile state 85% of the time when the calculation included 2 cubits, but only half the time when 3 cubits were used. The authors attributed the reduced reliability to the imperfections of the quantum computer and the tendency of the cubits to desynchronize as their number increases.

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