To worry: this overabundance we owe to the cell phone


A survey conducted by the University of the Costa del Sol, Australia, revealed a finding that worries the world: mobile phones are changing the human skeleton. This is due to the fact that users are so slow to check on their mobile phones that "bone spikes" are developing on the back of the skull.

This type of external occipital protuberances, explain the scientists, develop at the base of the skull and more and more people suffer from it.

Nature Photo Science Reports

Spending a lot of time looking down produces remarkable postural changes, so the bone structure seeks to adapt to better support the head. This is clearly reflected by X-ray images released by Australian researchers. Because of the way we looked at phones, skulls developed additional bone growth.

For this study, scientists scanned over 1,000 skulls of people aged 18 to 86 years.

People check their phones every 12 minutes on average, according to statistics provided by researchers who claim that, even if it is unlikely that these bone bundles would have harmful effects, they can never get worse. To go.

Nature Photo Science Reports



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