"Today, I ask Kirchner to defend the constitutional guarantees"


Journalist Romina Manguel crossed at the table Animals in bulk, who did not discuss the seriousness of illegal espionage and made surprising confessions.

"It is uncomfortable and boring to defend constitutional guarantees to make you a Kirchner. And if Kirchner makes you defend the constitutional guarantees, I am Kirchner. Today, let's say that I am justified as Kirchner at this table only to defend the constitutional guarantees ", attacked the lawyer before the astonished look of his hypermarcist colleagues.

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And he warned: "People do not care how Cristina flew or if she did not fly, they want her to become prey.They want all people who have stolen and who are not interested in a mine participate in today 's debate on the constitutional guarantees that prisoners must have. It is important because tomorrow can be for you too or for any of us. "

"Today, you take the habit of being a Kirchner to defend the constitutional guarantees", condemned.

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