Today, inflation is known in May: private estimate between 3 and 3.5%


The consumer price index (CPI) for April was 3.4% and an increase of 15.6% in the first four months of the year.

According to official figures, the rise in the cost of living is established at 55.8% year-on-year.

The Market Expectations Survey (MER) published by the Central Bank indicates that the specialists consulted felt that May's inflation was 3% while they were confident of a decline.

Survey respondents also estimated that, by 2019, the general and secondary inflation rates will be 40.3% and 40.5%, respectively, which represents a slight increase of 0.3 and 0. , 4 percentage point Survey of April.

Throughout May, inflation helped maintain a stable exchange rate with no major moves or postponements of adjustments to some civil service rates. "

The report of the Center for Economic Studies of Orlando FerreresOn the other hand, May's inflation was 3.4% per month, while it recorded a 55% change in interannual value.

The consultants highlighted a slowdown in rising food and beverage prices and estimated that the cumulative increase was 18.5% in the first five months of the year.

If badysts' forecasts are met, the increase in the cost of living would accumulate an advance of more than 57% in the interannual measure.

During May, inflation helped maintain a stable exchange rate with no major moves or postponements of adjustments to some utility rates.

On the contrary, fuel, an essential tool for the transport of food and drink in the country, recorded price adjustments in the fifth month of the year, which was reflected directly in the values ​​of this type of article.


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