Today is Ceviche Day: where to taste the best in Buenos Aires


Ceviche is one of the best known and most loved Peruvian dishes in the world. In 2004 it was declared cultural heritage of the nation in Peru and in 2008 it was declared on June 28 of each year as the From del Ceviche.

Its most traditional ingredients are white fish cut into pieces, lemon juice, red onion cut into julienne, chili, chopped coriander and salt, but today many chefs dare to come back. Where to try the best of Buenos Aires and recipes to prepare them at home.

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La Pescadorita

In Palermo, it is a restaurant specializing in seafood cuisine that stands out for its grilled fish and seafood dishes. One of the most requested plates is the Hass ceviche: reversal of the traditional ceviche made from breaded tiger’s milk, with pieces of fresh peach of the day, shrimp, chismillo corn, red onion, coriander and mango ($ 1,100). This dish can be eaten on its heated sidewalks and terrace and also vacuum-packed, for delivery or to take away.

Hass ceviche recipe

Ingredients (for one serving)

  • For the tiger’s milk: Avocado, 1 u. Celery, 1 branch. Leek, 1 pc. Ajinomoto at ease. Coriander, 1 package. Lime juice, 6 ct. Fresh fish, 100 gr. Fumet, c / n.
  • For assembly: Boiled corn kernels, 1 u. Jalapeo, 2 u. Coriander, u. Red onion, 1 pc. Salt to taste. Fresh fish, 200 gr. Shrimps, 200 gr.


  1. For the tiger milk: in a blender glass, add all the ingredients for the tiger milk and blend until smooth. Reserve.
  2. For assembly: cut the fish into cubes, clean the shrimp, cut the onion into julienne, the cilantro finely and the jalapeo into brunoise.
  3. Then place the fish and shrimp in the leche de tigre, let rest and serve on a plate with the onions, cilantro, corn kernels and jalapeo.


Oleada is the new proposal of Mexican cuisine in the vegetable format. Its menu offers simple dishes loaded with flavor, such as Melon ceviche, made with green squash, yellow pepper, yellow squash, cashew cream and various plant-based cheeses ($ 650). This one and all its dishes can be tasted in its interior patio or delivered and taken away.

Ceviche Meln Recipe

Ingredients (for one serving)

  • For the boxed cheese: Castaas de box, tz. Filtered water, 1 cup. Yeast flakes, 2 tbsp. Sea salt, 2 pc. Organic blond sugar, 1 pc. Neutral coconut oil, 2 tbsp. Lemon juice, you
  • For the roasted chupillo maz: Maz cancha or chupillo, 1 handful. Neutral oil, 2 tbsp. Sea salt to taste. Merken, 1 piece
  • For the melon ceviche: Fresh melon, u. Canned cream cheese, 4 tbsp. Fried corn chupillo, 1 handful. Celery, 1 stick. Red onion, u. Zucchini, u. Fresh zucchini, u. Zucchini flowers, 3-ct. Feta cheese with seeds, 70 gr. Canola oil, 3 tbsp. Fresh hot peppers, 1 pc. Mix of green leaves, c / n. Thyme flowers, c / n. Sea salt flakes, c / n. Black pepper, c / n


  1. For the cheese box: in a blender glass, add all the ingredients and mix until you obtain a smooth cream. Reserve.
  2. For the roasted chupillo corn: in a skillet over medium heat, sauté the corn kernels, with the neutral oil, until the corn is toasted, golden and starting to sauté. Place the grilled corn on a plate with paper towels to remove excess fat. Finally, sprinkle with sea salt, merken powder. Reserve.
  3. Then place the fish and shrimp in the leche de tigre, let rest and serve on a plate with the onions, cilantro, corn kernels and jalapeo.
  4. For the ceviche: at the bottom of a salad bowl or bowl, place the box of cheese in the center and arrange the melon cut into quarters, the celery cut lengthwise, the zucchini and the slices of fresh zucchini. Then place the mixture of green leaves all around, forming a wreath. On top, finish with the red onion and the peppers cut into thin rings and the zucchini flowers. Pour canola oil over the leaves and flowers of fresh thyme. Finish with the golden corn, crumbled sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

The sea

Born from the hand of Gastn Acurio, La Mar is one of the most important references of Peruvian gastronomy in the world with ceviche as the star dish in all its presentations and combinations. In its varied menu, stand out: the classic ceviche ($ 1350), catch of the day, with the classic tiger’s milk and fried fish; mixed ceviche ($ 1,450), fish and shellfish in tiger’s milk with liquefied yellow garlic; nikkei ceviche ($ 1550), Patagonian trout in tiger milk with tamarind, with a fan of cucumber, negui and avocado; Lustful Ceviche ($ 2000), catch of the day, prawns and octopus in creamy tiger’s milk with candied garlic and vegetarian ceviche ($ 990) with mushrooms, tomato, radish and avocado in tiger vegan almond milk. All of these dishes can be enjoyed on your premises or via the delivery and take-out service.

Classic ceviche recipe

Ingredients for 4 persons)

  • Smooth / sole / corvina fillet, 800 gr
  • Lemons, 12 units
  • Garlic putapari chopped, 10 units
  • chopped cilantro, 10 g
  • Ground garlic, 5 gr
  • Ice cream, 4 units
  • Red onion in feather, 120 gr
  • Sweet potato, cooked 1 unit
  • Salt (quantity required)


  1. Peel and slice the sweet potato and set aside.
  2. Cut the fish into cubes and season with salt, garlic, cilantro and aj. Mix for a few seconds and let stand for a minute. Then add the ice and squeeze the lemon on the previously prepared preparation, mix and let marinate for 1 minute. Add the feathered onion and mix. Let stand another minute.
  3. Remove the ice cubes and serve in a deep dish, spreading the liquid over all dishes.
  4. Serve with two slices of sweet potato and garnish with a few cilantro leaves and a few slices of garlic.


In the Caballito district, in Ronconcon, local products and typical recipes from Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador and Peru mingle with guides to Argentinian gastronomy. From this blend of flavors with signature touches, one of its star preparations is the Salted fish ceviche with aj amarillo, chuspillo corn, mango and sesame. It is served with fries ($ 890). You can eat on site and also order delivery and take out.

Salted Fish Ceviche Recipe

Ingredients (6 servings)

  • Small chuspillo 200g
  • Mango 1u
  • Jalapeo 3
  • Coriander fresco c / n
  • White or purple onion 1u
  • Fresh white sea fish 1 kg
  • Sal 80 gr
  • Azcar 60 gr

For the tiger milk:

  • Yellow aj 100 gr
  • Limne 100ml
  • Five 100ml
  • 80 ml of fish broth
  • Garlic 10gr
  • Ginger 8 gr


  1. Clean the fish very well and cover it with salt and sugar for 20 minutes. Then wash well, cut into cubes of 1cm x 1cm.
  2. For the tiger milk, cut the yellow pepper in half, remove the pit and seeds. Blanch for 10 minutes or until tender. Remove the skin. Mix with the rest of the ingredients and sift.
  3. Preheat a skillet over medium heat and sauté the corn until golden brown.
  4. In a bowl, mix 120g of cut fish with 60ml of leche de tigre and leave to marinate for 5 minutes. Then serve the roasted chuspillo corn on one side, at the other end a few small pieces of mango, in the center four thin slices of jalapeo and finish with a julienne of onion and fresh cilantro.

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Tiger Girl

In San Telmo, it is a new restaurant specializing in Nikkei cuisine, with a menu specially created by the famous chef Iwao Komiyama. One of the products where the fusion of Japanese and Peruvian cuisine is highlighted is the ceviche, which is served in three presentations: Ceviche Nikkei, with Premium Salmon and Nikkei Sauce accompanied by Cancha Corn and Glazed Sweet Potato ($ 800), the Peruvian Ceviche, with sole or white fish of the day, red onion, cilantro, lime juice and garnish of cancha corn and glazed sweet potato ($ 800) and the Veggie Ceviche, with diced flambé avocado, mushrooms, celery, aj limousine, coriander and tiger almond milk ($ 700).

Nikkei ceviche recipe

Ingredients (for one serving):

  • Salmon, 160 gr
  • Rooster Limn, 4 u
  • Grated ginger, 1 teaspoon
  • Sesame oil, 1 teaspoon
  • Rocoto sauce, 1 cdta
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Sesame seeds to taste
  • Red onion, you
  • Hydroponic or marine lettuce leaves, c / n
  • Ajinomoto likes
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Garlic paste to taste
  • Maz runs at ease


  1. Previous point: One of the most important things is that the ceviche is prepared a few minutes before eating it, it is not a dish that can be stored or made in advance. First of all, wash the fish very well. Check the thorns and carefully cut into cubes.
  2. In a glass bowl, combine the fish cubes and season with salt, ajinomoto and garlic paste. Squeeze the lemons right now and add the juice to the fish. The amount of lemon juice is a bit to everyone’s taste.
  3. Add to the bowl a teaspoon of grated ginger as finely as possible, a teaspoon of sesame oil, a few squirts of soy sauce and a teaspoon of chili sauce.
  4. Mix all the ingredients well and taste. If necessary, rectify the salt, pepper or lemon and add.
  5. Finally, add the red onion cut into half feathers (because the fish cubes are small). To serve, put a crisp, fresh lettuce leaf and serve the ceviche on top with sesame seeds to taste. It is suggested to serve it with glazed sweet potatoes and corn cancha.


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