Today is resolved whether Amado Boudou remains under house arrest or returns to prison for the Ciccone case


Amado Boudou in one of the hearings of the Ciccone trial (EFE / David Fernández / Archive)
Amado Boudou in one of the hearings of the Ciccone trial (EFE / David Fernández / File)

Federal judge Ricardo Basilico will announce today whether the former vice-president Beloved Boudou you remain under house arrest or if you return to prison serve the last sentence of five years and 10 months in prison for the Ciccone case.

Informed judicial sources Infobae that the magistrate, charged with the execution of Boudou’s sentence, plans to inform the parties of the judgment this afternoon. This was announced on Wednesday of last week when the virtual hearing in which each side of the case applied for it came to an end. Whatever the magistrate’s decision, it can be appealed to the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber.

During this hearing, the defense of Boudou, in charge of Alejandro Rúa and Graciana Peñafort, requested that the former vice-president continue to be under house arrest which he has been serving since April last year at his home in the city of Avellaneda in Buenos Aires. He explained that being at home is essential for the development of his two minor children and that he is also about to start accessing prison releases to serve his sentence. It could be in July because Boudou received a 10-month reduction on his sentence for the courses he attended while in detention at Ezeiza prison. On this, the defense stressed that the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber has issued a resolution to consider the release from prison, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, of those who are about to serve their sentences.

At the request of the defense, the tutorship council was added, which in these cases represents minors. He also stressed the importance for minors to grow up with their father and called for house arrest to be maintained.

For his part, the federal prosecutor Marcelo colombo He asked at last week’s hearing that Boudou return to prison. He maintained that the sentence is firm and that the children of the former vice president are in the care of their mother and that the possible absence of the father does not affect their growth.

Judge Ricardo Basilico
Judge Ricardo Basilico

After the positions, Judge Basilic must now resolve. What you do can be appealed to the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber. Even if this afternoon’s resolution may not apply until the cassation has taken place.

Boudou has been under house arrest since April last year when the judge granted him. Daniel forced Because, as he considered, in the situation of a coronavirus pandemic, the best thing for the two minor children was to have the father present since they only had their mother due to restrictions placed on other members of woman’s family to travel. They live in Mexico. He also explained that the sentence was not final as the Supreme Court was still in place.

The former vice-president was sentenced in August 2018 by the Federal Oral Court to 4 to 5 years and 10 months in prison for the Ciccone case in which he was found guilty of having bought through a third party, the accountant. Alexandre vandenbroele, this intaglio company, the largest in the country. Vandenbroele, the businessman Nicolás Ciccone and José María Núñez Carmona, partner and friend of Boudou.

Last December, the Supreme Court upheld the conviction and it was therefore final. With this decision, Judge Obligado revoked the domicile. He also explained that the health restrictions due to the coronavirus had been lifted. Thereupon, the prosecution asked him to return to prison.

The case reached the chamber of cassation, which ruled that the decision ordering Boudou’s return to prison was unfounded and that a new decision should be issued. With that, Judge Basilico has called the hearing and today he will announce his resolution.


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