Today is unusual for us, but this is life in Brazil


We know that Brazil had a “relaxed” attitude in the face of the progression of the coronavirus. President Jair Bolsonaro himself described her as a “fluzinha”. Today, faced with the imminent arrival of vaccines in various countries of the world, we spoke with the Brazilian journalist Maria Martha Bruno to tell us how summer is lived there in a pandemic and the attitude of the head of the State to vaccinate the population.

“In Brazil vaccination has not started. The health minister, who is believed to be an expert in logistics, said the campaign will start on ‘D-Day’ at ‘H time’, ”Bruno said. The only place where there is a date to vaccinate the population is in San Pablo, where its leaders are waging a political battle with Bolsonaro, on January 25, the city’s anniversary, and the Chinese vaccine, coronavac, will be placed.


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