Today is World Sibling Day: Interesting Facts About Bonding With a Brother or Sister


Today is World Sibling Day: Interesting Facts About Bonding With a Brother or Sister

On September 5, World Brothers Day is celebrated in many countries around the world to pay homage to one of the closest relatives, with whom we grow up, we share a roof and in some cases even a bedroom, clothes. , and confidences.

September 5 is the date chosen around the world for the celebration of the World siblings day, in homage to the life and work of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

The power of the bond between siblings is usually so strong that, with few exceptions, it is maintained throughout life. As José Hernández wrote in the Martin Fierro, must be united “This is the first law. At all times. Because if they fight, foreigners will devour them.

This anniversary does not only refer to siblings by consanguineous affinity, but also to those fraternal relationships that show solidarity, union, affection and unconditionality.

The date of celebration chosen for this day is mainly due to a commemoration of the death of the Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who dedicated his life to carrying out various social works all over the planet.

This woman of Albanian origin and later naturalized Indian, was the founder of the congregation of Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta in 1950. And with his sisters, he brought peace and quiet to many needy people around the world.

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September 5, World Brothers Day.

Who was Mother Teresa of Calcutta?

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was the birth name of Teresa of Calcutta. By the age of twelve, it was clear to him that he wanted to devote his life to Catholicism. At five he had already made First Communion and at six Confirmation. Still a child, she showed total admiration for the Yugoslav Jesuits of Bengal (India). Such was the fascination he showed at the idea of ​​wanting to do the same thing as them in Calcutta.

The first stop that Mother Teresa made before embarking on her trip to India was La Abadía de Loreto, belonging to the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Ireland, with only 18 years old.

On January 6, 1929, he arrived in Calcutta, where he remained all his life. In the Bengali city, he made his vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. She became a nun on May 24, 1931. It was during this stage that he gave up his birth name for Teresa.

In 1946, famine in much of the country was aggravated by the conflict between Indian Muslims and Hindus. Therefore, Teresa of Calcutta asked Pope Pius XII to abandon his order to devote himself body and soul to those most in need. This is what he later described as “the call within the call”.

After years of working among the most disadvantaged in India, Thérèse of Calcutta obtained nationality in 1950. That same year, after joining a group of women sharing the same concerns, the Vatican authorized her to inaugurate her new congregation: Missionaries of Charity.

Among the awards he has received in life, the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1979, and the highest civilian honor in India, the Bharat Ratna, in 1980, for his humanitarian work.

After a life consecrated by and for others, although not without criticism, Mother Teresa of Calcutta died on September 5, 1997 in Calcutta, at the age of 87.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

World Brothers Day in different countries

In Argentina, there are well internalized dates for the family tribute because they are a long-standing tradition. The same thing happens with the Brothers day, which has its national holiday every March 4.

There is also a difference in the connotation of the two celebrations, because if the ecumenical feast refers to fraternity but from the point of view of helping others, the local feast refers to the exaltation of the bond of blood.

The Argentina It is not the only country that has its own celebration. In the United States, every April 10 is celebrated Brothers day although it is not included in the official calendar of tributes, as it happens with Fathers and Mothers. Anyway, the Foundation of the feast of the brothers and sisters is working to change that and since 1998 the governors of 49 states have officially issued proclamations to recognize it.

In the same way, in Europe, the brotherhood between blood brothers is celebrated every May 31, the same connotation that the feast has on the Argentina March 4.

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September 5, World Brothers Day.

7 science facts you sure didn’t know about siblings

1. How often will you fight with your brothers?

Evidence shows that because siblings are together all or most of the time, most 3-7 year olds fight 3.5 times in an hour!

2. Older siblings are smarter

One of the strongest theories is that children born first have higher IQs than others. Research at the University of Leipzig has found that older siblings have an easier time understanding abstract ideas and have a richer vocabulary.

3. Younger siblings are more fun

A survey by UK company YouGov found that younger siblings tend to be viewed as the funniest, easiest, and most laid-back.

4. My brother = my support

A study conducted at the University of Nebraska Lincoln assures that, on a sample of 7,000 families, 30% of people would call their brother in an emergency.

5. Is there a favorite son?

Yes, a study by Katherine Conger of the University of California assures that 65% of parents and 70% of moms have a preference for a child. The biggest. 5% of those surveyed said they had no favorites. According to the survey, they are lying.

6. Moms want perfect children

The same California study reveals one of your worst fears, 35% of mothers surveyed reveal that they wish their children were more like other people, behaved better, and were more sociable, talented and intelligent.

7. Younger siblings are healthier, but older siblings live longer

When the youngest brother is born, the house is already full of germs that help strengthen the immune system, which improves the health of the younger ones. However, older siblings have a longer life expectancy, they tend to live longer.

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September 5, World Brothers Day.

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