Today Tamaulipas – They will lead a campaign for the timely detection of skin cancer


The deputy director of the Jalisco Institute of Dermatology (IDJ), Guadalupe Villanueva Quintero, said that on July 21, the campaign for rapid detection of skin cancer will run for free, from 8:00 to 13:30. in the facilities of the institute.

I note that skin cancer occurs most frequently in areas most exposed to sunlight such as the face, décolleté, ears, back of the hands, arms, forearm and back [19659003] Author: Notimex

Guadalajara, July 17.- The Medical Assistant Director of the Jalisco Institute of Dermatology (IDJ), Guadalupe Villanueva Quintero, said that next July 21 will be held The Campaign for the rapid detection of skin cancer, from 8:00 to 13:30 in the premises of the institute, is free.

He said that they have 10 years of developing this campaign with very good results, "because there are cases of cancer and so all pre-cancer, lesions that can become invasive tumors. "

Indicated that the goal is to guide the population to prevent the development of cancer, in addition to providing the means for patients to know how to take care of all the solar radiation and what are the warning signs of injury for rapid detection.

He noted that the only requirement that should cover the people attending the campaign is to carry their INE title or the Single Population Registration Register (CURP)), as an identification is required to open the clinical history of patients.

He specified that in 2017 at the IDJ about 60 thousand consultations were performed, of which 1,715 cases of skin cancer were reported, "were the most common basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, and in 2016, there were 314 cases of skin cancer. "

He explained that skin cancer is more common in the population. This is due to the fact that there is a better diagnostic opportunity thanks to these campaigns and the means of dissemination. "

He pointed out that skin cancer has increased.The skin appears more frequently in areas more exposed to sunlight such as the face, the neck, the ears, the back of the hands, the arms , forearms and back.

He pointed out that it is easy to detect skin cancer because it usually presents itself as a small ulcer that grows slowly and does not heal.

pointed out that the signs of alarm in moles are "asymmetry": it is observed that the two sides are not identical, and "Borders": they are irregular, palpable, flat, increase in this fabric which is easy to

As well as "Color": they are moles that do not have a very uniform color, there are areas that are clearer or more relevant pigmentation points, brown areas and black dots, and "Diameter": they are usually larger than five millimeters

He pointed out that in the IDJ between 20 and 30 surgeries are performed per day, of which 15 are tumors.

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