Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on April 24 | Made…


In April 24 ephemeris These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1942. Birth of Barbra Streisand. Actress, singer, director, a veritable orchestra of women in show business. Won the Oscar for Best Actress for Fanny girl in 1968. He rehearsed the statuette for the song of A star is born, in 1976. He also won the Grammy, Golden Globe, Emmy and Tony, among other awards, an almost unique track record. Her success as a singer and actress in the 60s and 70s led her to direct. He starred in films like Yentl Yes Prince of tides.

1967. Russian astronaut Vladimir Komarov dies from a failure of the parachute on the Soyuz 1 capsule. The spacecraft crashes and is engulfed in flames. Komarov was the first human chosen for a second space trip, following his experience on Vosjod 1 three years earlier. His death signifies the first death of an astronaut on a mission in space.

1980. At the age of 75, dies one of the glories of Latin American literature of the twentieth century: Alejo Carpentier. He was born in Switzerland and came to Cuba as a child due to his architect father’s interest in Hispanic culture. Awarded the Cervantes Prize in 1977, he left novels such as The kingdom of this world, The lost stepss, Age of Enlightenment Yes Baroque concert. He also published short stories and essays. His notion of the “true marvelous” permeates the letters of the continent and influences the boom of the 1960s.

2005. The first cloned dog was born. This is Snuppy, an Afghan developed in South Korea. A technique similar to that used with Dolly the Sheep, the first animal cloned in 1996, was used. Months later, it was learned that the stem cell research data had been tampered with by one of the researchers, but Snuppy’s cloning was true. Born from cells taken from the ear of an Afghan dog, Snuppy died in 2015.

2009. Sixto Palavecino dies at the age of 94. The violinist from Santiago became known for his participation in From Ushuaia to La Quiacaby León Gieco. Symbol of the culture of Santiago, he was an ardent defender of the Quichua language.

In addition, it is the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace; and World Meningitis Day.


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