Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on April 27 | Facts…


In April 27 anniversary These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1927. Mauricio Borensztein was born in Buenos Aires. He adopted the name Tato Bores: he stood out as a stand-up writer and became an icon of political humor in the country. Called “Comic Actor of the Nation”, his television series brought together several generations of Argentines in front of television. He also performed in theater and cinema. He died in 1996.

1937. Antonio Gramsci dies in Rome at the age of 46. Founder of the Italian Communist Party, he was one of the great Marxist theorists of the twentieth century. He spent years imprisoned by the regime of Benito Mussolini, which released him when his health was already battered. A brain hemorrhage ended his life. The texts he wrote while in prison constitute the bulk of his work. The calls Prison notebooks, with nearly 3,000 pages, they were published in six volumes after the Second World War.

1977. The military dictatorship kidnaps Héctor Germán Oesterheld. The comic book author was 57 years old. He took him to La Plata and has been missing ever since. The crackdown was also cruel to his family: his four daughters were kidnapped and murdered. The creator of L’Eternauta Yes Death Cinder He passed through Vesuvius, one of the fiercest clandestine detention centers. According to the testimonies collected, it is believed that he was assassinated in 1978.

1994. Nelson Mandela, the most famous political prisoner of the second half of the 20th century, the man who spent 27 years imprisoned by apartheid supremacists, becomes president of South Africa. What would have been unimaginable a few years earlier is happening. The head of the African National Congress wins the country’s first free elections, in which the black majority is allowed to vote. He is imposed with 62% of the vote for a five-year term, during which he will seek the coexistence of blacks and whites within the framework of the rule of law. The elections take place according to a provisional Constitution, which replaces the previous one. The current Constitution will be the work of the Mandela government in 1996.

2003. Presidential elections in Argentina. The justicialismo is in competition with three candidates: the former president Carlos Menem, the ephemeral president Adolfo Rodríguez Saá and the governor of Santa Cruz, Néstor Kirchner. UCR presents Leopoldo Moreau, while Elisa Carrió competes for ARI and Ricardo López Murphy for Recrear. The results of the first elections after the great crisis of 2001 gave Menem the victory with just 25%, half of what had been obtained in 1995, during his re-election. Kirchner, sponsored by interim president Eduardo Duhalde, reaches 22%. Radicalism scratches 2%, in the worst result in its century-old history. The day hosts the first ballot in history, between Menem and Kirchner, which will not take place due to Menem’s decision not to compete.

2007. Mstislav Rostropovich dies at the age of 80. Considered one of the greatest virtuosos in cello history, he was also a conductor. A dissident at the time of the Soviet Union, he left the USSR in 1974, only to return after the fall of communism.

It is also World Design Day.


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