Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on April 29 | Made…


In April 29th anniversary These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1936. Alejandra Pizarnik was born in Avellaneda. One of the most important Argentine poets, began his career with The most foreign land Yes A sign in your shadow, in 1955. Then titles such as The last innocence, The lost adventures, Tree Diane, work and nights, Mining the Stone of Madness, Musical hell Yes The little songs. She was also the author of the play Possessed among the lilacs and history The Bloody Countess. He left a personal journal of about a thousand pages. He committed suicide on September 25, 1972.

1936. One of the most famous conductors in the world was born in Bombay: Zubin Mehta. The Indian musician has attracted attention with his remarkable recordings since the mid-1960s. Permanent director of the Israel Philharmonic, he conducted the New York Philharmonic between 1978 and 1991. With this training, he gave a massive concert on 9 de Julio Avenue in 1987. He also conducted the Los 3 Tenores concerts, which brought together José Carreras, Plácido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti, in 1990 and 1994.

1946. In Gualeguaychú, an icon was born among the artists dedicated to shows for boys: Enrique Fischer, Pipo Pescador. His career began in the early 1970s. Along with his records and plays, he also ventured into children’s literature, with titles such as Buenos Airesitos Yes Tales to tell in the elevator. Closer in time, the adult audience was overwhelmed with their Wild tangos.

1968. Musical opens on Broadway Hair, which brought the hippie movement to the fore. James Rado and Jerome Ragni write the lyrics, which are composed by Galt MacDermot. The work becomes an event and also arouses controversy, because it includes nudes and a racy language. In fact, there have been lawsuits that have been dismissed. When it premiered in London, the trial led to the end of censorship in the theater. Hair it was made into a movie in 1979 and is often replayed in theaters. He also came to Argentina.

1980. Alfred Hitchcock died at the age of 80. The English filmmaker, considered the magician of suspense, began his career in England during the era of silent films. With sound, and before World War II, he filmed films focusing on spy issues, such as the man who knew too much, The 39 steps Yes The lady disappears. In Hollywood he made his debut with Rebeca, who won the Oscar for Best Picture, although he never took a statuette as a director. The following years illuminated works such as The shadow of a doubt, Drift eight, Popular Yes The rope. In the 1950s, he filmed a series of masterpieces, including: Strangers on a train, The rear window, the remake of the man who knew too much, fear of heights e International intrigue. With Psychosis achieved its biggest box office success. Then they would arrive The birds Yes Marnie. His last films were Frenzy Yes Macabre plot. One of the most influential directors in the history of cinema, his opinions are reflected in Cinema according to Hitchcock, a long interview with François Truffaut.

2003. Flooding in Santa Fe. The city is suffering from one of the most serious natural disasters in the country. The rains increase the flow of the Salado River for several days. The water exceeds the defense works, which were unfinished, and the provincial capital is completely inundated. There are blackouts and massive evacuations. In two days, there are already 12 dead. Carlos Reutemann’s provincial government will admit 23 dead. The health situation is serious, with cases of scabies, pediculosis and hepatitis, among other diseases. More than 100,000 people have been affected. In the following years, the embankment works were completed to stop the flooding of the Salado.

2011. Royal wedding in London. Prince William, eldest son of Charles of England and grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, marries Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey. The link is gaining worldwide attention, almost 30 years after Carlos and Lady Di married. The couple receive the noble title of Dukes of Cambridge, waiting for the father of the groom to be king and thus become Princes of Wales, that is to say heirs to the throne. The Dukes have three children.

In addition, it is International Dance Day; and, in Argentina, Animal Day.


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