Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on December 17th | …


In ephemeris of December 17 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1903. In Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first flight in aviation history. he Flyer I It is the first heavier-than-air aircraft that can lift to height with an engine. The Wright plane rose 37 meters during a flight that lasted 12 seconds.

1909. At the age of 74, King Leopold II of Belgium died in Brussels. Its colonialist policy in the Congo led to an authentic genocide. He speaks of up to 15 million victims. The report by diplomat Roger Casement denounced to the world the atrocities of the crown in the Belgian Congo, which became independent in 1960. The monarchy had lost control of the colony a year before the death of the king, now disowned, with busts and statues that have been removed.

1936. Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in the district of Flores. Son of Italian immigrants, he worked as a biochemist before entering the seminary. He was ordained a priest in 1969 and rose to positions in the Society of Jesus until he was the highest authority in the land. He became archbishop of Bueno Aires in 1998 and three years later John Paul II created him cardinal. On March 13, 2013, he became the new head of the Catholic Church and took the name Francisco. He is the first Jesuit Pope in Latin America in history.

1987. Belgian writer Marguerite Yourcenar dies at 84. In 1980, she was the first woman to enter the Académie Française. His most famous works are Memories of Hadrian, translated into Spanish by Julio Cortázar, and black job.

2011. Kim Jong-il, the second supreme leader of North Korea, dies after the establishment of the communist and dynastic regime that his father Kim Il-sung established. He was 69 years old and was replaced by his son Kim Jong-un. Posthumously, he was awarded the title of eternal president of the country.

2011 Cesária Évora dies at the age of 70. She was an artist of international importance. Born in Cape Verde, she stood out for her voice and also for her social commitment.

2014. Barack Obama announces that his government is starting the process of detente with Cuba and that it will moderate the embargo on the island. At the same time, Raúl Castro confirms that relations are being restored. It is the first major gesture in more than half a century in relations between the two countries and the beginning of the end for one of the remnants of the Cold War. The US president will travel to Cuba in March 2016 for a historic visit.

In addition, it is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.


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