Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on December 9 | I have …


In ephemeris of December 9 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1916. Kirk Douglas was born. One of the glories of classic Hollywood cinema, he lived to be 103 years old and left classics like Captives of evil, Want to live, Spartacus, The Vikings, Seven days of May Yes 20 thousand leagues of submarine journeys, among other films. In 1960, during production Spartarco, brought in Dalton Trumbo as a screenwriter, who was blacklisted and signed under a pseudonym or worked with stage men. Douglas made Trumbo’s name appear in the credits and that fact is considered the end of the Hollywood blacklist. Nominated three times for the Oscars, he received a statuette for his career in 1996. His son Michael has also become an iconic actor in the cinema of recent decades.

● 1948. Writer Gioconda Belli was born in Managua. He was a member of Sandinism against the Somoza dictatorship. Among other works he has published Line of fire, The goldfish swimming in the chest, Apogee, The land of women, The intense heat of the moon Yes Memory fevers.

1977. Writer Clarice Lispector dies in Rio de Janeiro, a day before her 57th birthday. She was born in Ukraine and arrived in Brazil as a child. He wrote story books like Clandestine happiness and novels like Passion according to GH Yes The hour of the star. She is also the author of children’s books and dedicates herself to painting.

1984. Independiente wins his second Intercontinental Cup, eleven years after the one he raised in Rome. With a goal from José Percudani, he beat Liverpool 1-0 in Tokyo. This is the first time that an Argentinian team has won the trophy in Japan. Ricardo Bochini is the only player in the squad to have taken part in the previous conquest, in which he scored the winning goal against Juventus. The match was the first major sporting clash between the Argentines and the British after the Falklands War.

1985. The Federal Chamber issues judgment in the historic chambers trial. He sentenced Jorge Rafael Videla and Emilio Massera to life imprisonment, while imposing 17 years in prison for Roberto Viola, eight for Armando Lambruschini and four for Orlando Agosti. The judges acquitted Leopoldo Galtieri, Jorge Anaya, Basilio Lami Dozo and Omar Graffigna. It was decided to convict each junta on the basis of proven crimes and not by weapon, which allowed the light conviction of Agosti and the other acquittals. The decision places Argentina at the forefront of human rights in the world. However, this creates problems for the government of Raúl Alfonsín: by establishing the existence of the criminal plan, it denies the existence of excess, as stated by the radical leader of the campaign. Point 30 orders a downward trial of the officers who carried out the clandestine repression and opens the debate on compliance with orders. The scope of due obedience begins to be debated.

2018. River beats Boca 3-1 in the Copa Libertadores second final. The first match ended 2-2 in the Bombonera and the rematch could not be played in the Monumental due to the attack on the mic which led to the xeneize team. The match ends at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium in Madrid. The match ends 1-1, after goals from Benedetto and Paratto. In the supplement, Quintero and Martínez give the fourth Libertadores in their history to millionaires.

In addition, it is the International Day for Secularism and Freedom of Conscience. On December 1, 1905, the separation of Church and State in France took place. On the same day, in 1931, the non-denominational Constitution of the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed.


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