Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on February 10 | H …


In ephemeris of February 10 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1874. Despite the opposition of the inhabitants of the region, the founding of a city was formalized on land that the breeder Patricio Peralta Ramos gave to the province of Buenos Aires and with access to the Atlantic coast. Governor Mariano Acosta signs the decree marking the birth of Mar del Plata.

1951. Roque Narvaja was born in Cordoba. He led La Joven Guardia, a group with which he became popular thanks to the hit “El Extrano de pelo largo”. He started his solo career and left the country due to threats received at the start of the dictatorship. He settled in Spain, where he gained popularity. He alternated his residence with the peninsula of the return of democracy until his installation in Rosario.

1952. Macedonio Fernández dies in Buenos Aires at the age of 77. One of the mythical figures of Argentine literature, he was an experimental author, who hardly published in life. His so-called “first good novel”, Museum of the Eternal Romance, it was of great influence. Great friend of Jorge Luis Borges, his figure was saved by Ricardo Piglia.

2005. Arthur Miller dies at 89. The American playwright has achieved fame with his work Death of a seller. He refused to give names to the Committee on Un-American Activities and the experience of McCarthyism led to his work Witches of Salem. He was also the author of Panorama from the bridge. Married to Marilyn Monroe, he wrote the screenplay for The marginalized, which turned out to be the actress’ last film, which he parted ways with shortly before her death. He received the Prince of Asturias Prize for Literature in 2002.

2009. For the first time, a satellite collision is recorded in space. Iridium 33, launched in 1997 by the United States, collided with Cosmos 2251, which Russia had put into orbit in 1993. The impact occurred 776 kilometers above the Taimyr Peninsula in Siberia at a speed of 42 thousand kilometers per hour. Both satellites were destroyed.

2014. Shirley Temple dies at 85. She was the most successful young actress in movie history in the 1930s. At the age of six, at the height of her popularity, she received a Special Oscar. Her career lasted until the late 1940s. The Actors’ Union recognized her career in 2006. Linked to the Republican Party, she served as ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia.

It is also World Pulses Day, instituted by the FAO.


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