Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on February 3 | Made…


In Ephemeris of February 3 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1852. The Grande Armée under the command of Justo José de Urquiza defeats the troops of Juan Manuel de Rosas in the battle of Caseros. It is the end of the rose era. The strongman from the province of Buenos Aires fled to England, where he died in 1877. In addition to the soldiers from Entre Ríos and Corrientes, Urquiza added forces from Uruguay and Brazil. His military victory paved the way for the National Organization, which began with the assent of the National Constitution in 1853.

1889. In Copenhagen was born Carl Theodor Dreyer, one of the most important filmmakers of the twentieth century. His most influential film is The passion of Joan of Arc, a silent film from 1928. With Wordin 1955, he won the Venice Film Festival. He died in 1968.

1909. In Paris, the philosopher and political activist Simone Weil was born. Author of Oppression and freedom Yes About science, among other books, accompanied the anarchists in the Spanish Civil War. He joined the French Resistance after the Nazi occupation and died of tuberculosis in 1943.

1948. Henning Mankell was born in Stockholm. One of the great voices of the Scandinavian detective novel was the creator of Inspector Kurt Wallander, who starred in Twelve Books. Faceless killers, The smiling man, The pyramid Yes Bones in the garden are several of his main titles. Married to a daughter of Ingmar Bergman, he alternated his life between Sweden and Mozambique, one of the poorest countries in the world. He died of cancer in 2015.

1989. A military coup ends in Paraguay with the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner, the oldest in South America. The regime began in 1954. It remained in power with a one-party system and later through fraudulent elections. Massive human rights violations were committed and the country bowed to Operation Condor, the coordinated action of the military dictatorships of the 1970s. Smuggling became the main source of income while the rest of the world world isolated the dictator. General Andrés Rodríguez, Stroessner’s father-in-law, led the uprising and spearheaded the transition to democracy. Stroessner sought asylum in Brazil, where he died in 2006 without being held to account.

1989. Death of a leading figure in independent cinema in the United States: John Cassavetes. Born in 1929, Nuances launched it to fame in 1959. Faces Yes Husbands they cemented its prestige. During this time he starred in films such as The 12 on the gallows (for which he received an Oscar nomination) and Rosemary baby. In 1974 it would happen A woman under the influence and, in 1980, Gloria, both starring his wife, Gena Rowlands.

2013. Exactly 24 years after the fall of Stroessner, the military figure who changed the democratic life of the country after the end of the dictatorship, Lino Oviedo, dies in Paraguay. He was head of the army during the government of Juan Carlos Wasmozy. In 1996, he revolted against the possibility of retiring. He was jailed for his attempt to impeach Wasmozy. Under the government of Raúl Cubas, he had an adversary on vice, Luis María Argaña, who was assassinated in March 1999. Oviedo fled to Argentina, where Carlos Menem asked him for asylum until the end of his mandate. He returned to Paraguay and faced his legal problems. He was running for president when the helicopter he was traveling in fell. Although it has been suggested that it was an accident, supporters of Oviedo spoke of an attack. The soldier was 69 years old.


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