Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on February 5 | Finished …


In February 5 ephemeris These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1900. Francisco Varallo was born in La Plata. He shone in gymnastics and in Boca. He was club xeneize’s top scorer with 181 goals until he was overtaken by Martín Palermo in 2008. He came to live to witness it. He died in 2010, at the age of one hundred. He was the last living member of the first World Cup, played in Uruguay in 1930, where he scored a goal and played the final against the home side.

1967. In the municipality of La Reina, in Santiago de Chile, Violeta Parra commits suicide. He was 49 years old. He left behind a body of songs that is fundamental in popular Latin American music. Author of songs like “El guillatún”, “Gracias a la vida”, “Arriba burning the sun”, “Rin del Angelito”, “Volver a los 17”, “La carta”, “Run Run se fue p´al norte Most of his best-known songs appear in Latest songs, disc that was released in 1966.

1971. Apollo XIV lands on the Moon. This is the third successful mission, after the Apollo XI and Apollo XII landings. The success of the mission allows NASA to accomplish a mission after the failure of Apollo XIII, which in April 1970 could not reach the Moon and returned urgently. Among the three members of the Apollo XIV crew was Alan Shepard, one of the seven astronauts of the Mercury program, with which the United States participated in the space race with the USSR.

1975. Isabel Perón signs Decree 261/75, which authorizes the commissioning of the army in Tucumán to suppress the People’s Revolutionary Army. This is the document that establishes the Operation for Independence and the start of the militarization of Argentina. Tucumán becomes a laboratory for large-scale state terrorism, with the Famaillá school as the first clandestine detention center. A set of three decrees, signed in October by interim president Italo Luder, while the president was on leave, will extend the scope of decree 261/75 to the entire national territory.

1992. In Mogi das Cruzes, in the state of San Pablo, Neymar was born. One of the most brilliant appearances in Brazilian football of this century, emerged in Santos, with whom he won the 2011 Copa Libertadores before emigrating to Barcelona, ​​where he formed a phenomenal attacking trident with Lionel Messi and Luis Suárez. . The Barcelona sale was officially € 57million, but it is estimated to have reached 130million. The reported irregularities led to the resignation of the president of the Catalan club. In 2017, Neymar traveled to Paris Saint-Germain for a record figure of 222 million euros. With his team, he won the elusive Olympic gold medal in Rio de Janeiro 2016, but could not be consecrated in a World Cup.

2014. Iron Mountain fire. During the filing of files with company documentation, ten people died, including firefighters and rescuers. In addition, there are seven injured. Expertise showed that the incident could have been intentional. AFIP attacked Iron Mountain and determined suspicious financial movements. In the Barracas fire, sensitive information from companies that may have laundered money was lost. The head of the Governmental Control Agency, in charge of controlling the deposit, was Juan José Gómez Centurión. At the end of 2020, the National Criminal Chamber canceled the proceedings against officials and business leaders in Buenos Aires.


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