Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on January 19 | I have …


In January 19 ephemeris These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1809. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston. Creator of the detective novel and one of the greatest masters of the short story of universal literature, he lived only forty years. His work has developed a huge influence. Charles Baudelaire translated it into French. Jorge Luis Borges, Adolfo Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo added “The Truth About Mr. Valdemar Case” to their Anthology of fantastic literature; and Rodolfo Walsh incorporated “The Well and the Pendulum” into his Anthology of strange tales. Julio Cortázar has done a full translation of his stories, which include gems such as “The Fall of the House of Usher”, “The Crimes of the Street of the Morgue”, “The Golden Scarab” and “Found Manuscript in a bottle “. He was also the author of the poem The crow and the novel The narration by Arthur Gordon Pym.

1853. In Rome, the opera that Giuseppe Verdi composed in the middle of Rigoletto and La Traviata: The Troubadour. In fact, we speak of “popular trilogy” to designate the three operas. The Troubadour It is one of the most performed works in theaters around the world.

1921. Patricia Highsmith was born in Texas. One of the most acclaimed writers of the thriller genre, she rose to fame with Strangers on a train, made into a film by Alfred Hitchcock. However, it would be the novel saga starring Tom Ripley that would earn him the greatest fame. There were five novels, which began with Mr. Ripley’s talent, in 1955, filmed as In broad daylight in 1960 with a young Alain Delon. His work has been revitalized with American friend, adaptation by Wim Wenders in 1977 of Ripley’s game. He died in Switzerland in 1995.

1974. The People’s Revolutionary Army (ERP) attacks the military garrison of Azul. A colonel, his wife, a soldier and two of the attackers are killed. Reinaldo Roldán and Héctor Antelo are missing after surrendering to the military. During its withdrawal, the ERP took Lieutenant-Colonel Jorge Ibarzábal, who died in captivity, as a prisoner. President Juan Domingo Perón harshly criticized the takeover with a chain speech, in which he appeared in his military uniform.

1982. An overdose of alcohol, drugs and tranquilizers causes the death of Elis Regina in São Paulo. The singer was born in Porto Alegre in 1945. Her career spanned from childhood to her death. In 1974, he recorded with Tom Jobim the album Elis and tom, one of the best popular music records in history.

2016. Ettore Scola dies at 84. The Italian filmmaker had become famous as a screenwriter for Overtakingby Dino Risi, before directing. In the 70s he filmed classics like We loved each other so much, Ugly, dirty and bad and A very special day. Later they would arrive The night of Varennes, Family, Splendor and Mario, Maria and Mario, Among other films.


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