Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on January 2 | Acts …


In January 2 ephemeris These events that happened a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1833. British occupation of the Falkland Islands begins. The corvette Clio reaches the archipelago and expels the Argentine settlers. Since then, the conflict over the sovereignty of the islands has developed. The Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom, will fly without interruption until April 2, 1982, the date of Argentina’s recovery, which in turn will be 74 days until defeat in the South Atlantic War.

1843. In Dresden it opens The Flying Dutchman, Richard Wagner’s fourth opera. The 29-year-old German composer will soon archive his three previous works and regard the new production as the starting point of his career, which includes this and the following nine operas he will perform until 1882, among which Tristan and Isolde, Parsifal and tetralogy The ring of Nibelung.

1920. In Russia, was born one of the great science fiction authors of the twentieth century: Isaac Asimov. Settled since childhood in the United States, his work includes notable titles such as I robot and the Foundation trilogy. In addition, he left a vast work of popular science. He died of HIV after receiving a transfusion of infected blood.

1938. Norman Briski was born in Santa Fe. One of the oldest Argentinian actors, he rose to fame with the lead role in La Fiaca in 1969. Exiled in Spain, he acted under Carlos Saura in Elisa, my dear and in Mom celebrates her hundredth birthday. Upon his return from exile, he was seen in June daysby Alberto Fischerman. He has also been seen on stage and on television and has published several books, in addition to a dozen plays.

1960. Victim of malaria, dies after racing in Africa, which at the time was the best cyclist in the world: the Italian Fausto Coppi. Death surprises him in Tortona. He has won the Giro d’Italia five times and was double champion of the Tour de France. His romantic relationship with a married woman, at a time when divorce was not allowed in Italy, made him the center of a scandal and was even criticized by Pope Pius XII. As Coppi left his first wife, her lover’s husband denounced her for adultery and she was arrested. They finally got married in Mexico.

2002. Eduardo Duhalde assumes the presidency. The Legislative Assembly elects the senator of the province of Buenos Aires, who is sworn in until December 10, 2003 (after the massacre at Puente Pueyrredón, the period will be shortened until May 25, 2003), to complete the four-year term which began with Fernando de la Rúa. Speaking in Congress, in a country marked by the Corralito, he said an anthological sentence: “Whoever deposits dollars will receive dollars; whoever deposited pesos will receive pesos ”.


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