Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on March 16 | Made…


In March 16th birthday These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1892. He was born who is for many the greatest poet of the Castilian language of the twentieth century: César Vallejo. He was born in Santiago de Chuco, Peru. He shocked the letters of his time with his first two books: The black heralds Yes Trilce. Then he will publish his first prose book: Balance and the chronicles of Russia in 1931. He died in Paris in 1938. Appeared posthumously Spain, take this chalice away Yes Human poems.

1926. In Newark, NJ, Jerry Lewis was born. One of the most popular film comedians, he teamed up with Dean Martin in the 1950s. Following the separation of the duo, he made history with films like Buttons Yes The mad professor. He was later seen in The king of comedyby Martin Scorsese, with Robert De Niro. For decades, he organized a charity television marathon to raise funds in the fight against muscular dystrophy. He received an Oscar for his charity in 2009 and died in 2017.

1938. Birth of Carlos Bilardo. The DT world champion in 1986 was a player for San Lorenzo and Deportivo Español before reaching the Estudiantes de La Plata, where he won it all. After his retirement he led in Colombia and became champion with Estudiantes, which opened the door for the national team. The national team won the World Cup in Mexico and was a finalist in 1990. In the middle, their controversial controversy with César Luis Menotti took place. Later he directed Sevilla, Boca and Estudiantes.

2003. American activist Rachel Corrie, 23, is run over by an IDF bulldozer in the town of Rafah in the Gaza Strip. The young woman died instantly. Witnesses said she was deliberately assaulted. He had traveled to support the Palestinian cause. His personal journal, in which he recounts his experiences, led to the play My name is Rachel Corrie.

2013. José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz dies at the age of 87. He was the economic minister of the dictatorship between 1976 and 1981, while the country was ruled by Jorge Rafael Videla. His administration, in the heat of state terrorism, has reconfigured Argentina: the economy has been reprimarized and a very strong process of deindustrialisation has been accentuated. Financial speculation replaced production, and external debt rose from $ 6 billion to $ 45 billion. He was pardoned by Carlos Menem and in his later years was faced with his responsibility in the Gutheim case, labeled against humanity.


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