Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on March 17th | Acts …


In March 17th birthday These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

● 1920. Olga Orozco was born in Toay, in the province of La Pampa. One of the great Argentinian poets, published, among other books, From afar, The dead, Dangerous games, Upside down from the sky, With that mouth in this world Yes Light is also an abyss. He died in 1999.

● 1969. Golda Meir takes over as Prime Minister of Israel. She is the first woman to take up this post in the country and the third in the world. He ruled until 1974 and had to deal with the slaughter of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, as well as the Yom Kippur War. Born in Ukraine in 1898, she has held various ministerial positions since the founding of the State of Israel. He died in 1978.

● 1976. Luchino Visconti dies. He was born in 1906, into an aristocratic family. He embraced Marxism and became a renowned opera registrar and director. His fame as a filmmaker came after WWII with The earth is shaking. I had filmed before Obsession, one of the first neorealist films. Later titles such as sleepless night, the swan song of neorelism which is Rocco and his brothers, The leopard, The foreigner, The fall of the gods, Death in Venice, Family group Yes Ludwig.

● 1992. Attack on the Israeli Embassy. A car bomb explodes in front of the diplomatic headquarters on Arroyo Street, in the Retiro district. The explosion left 29 dead and more than 200 injured. The act remains unpunished until today.

● 2012. In Bad Feilnbach, Germany, John Demjanjuk dies at the age of 91. He had emigrated to the United States from Ukraine after World War II. It was discovered that he had joined the SS and had been tried in Israel. Survivors of Treblinka concentration camp identified him as a sadistic guard nicknamed “Ivan the Terrible”. Demjanjuk denied being the guard. He said he was taken prisoner by the Germans and forced to collaborate with them. Tried in Israel in 1988, the prosecution alleged that the guard was a Soviet who had joined the German army. They sentenced him to death, but the Israeli Supreme Court acquitted him because it found no evidence identifying him as Ivan. He returned to the United States and was extradited to Germany, where he was tried for crimes committed in the Sobibor camp. They sentenced him to five years. He appealed and was released, confined to a home for the elderly, where he died.


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