Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on March 18 | Made…


In ephemeris of March 18 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1844. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, one of the great Russian composers, was born. Master of the orchestra, he leaves works such as Opening of the great Russian Easter, the Spanish Caprice Yes Scheherezade. Among his operas stand out The golden rooster Yes Tsar Saltan. He was the teacher of musicians like Igor Stravinsky and Ottorino Respighi. He died in 1908.

1938. Mexican President Lázaro Cárdenas signs the decree of expropriation of oil trusts of foreign origin. In this way, oil production is nationalized. Cárdenas enforces Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution of 1917 and an Expropriation Act of 1936, which concerns companies in the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Birth of Pemex, the state oil company.

1962. Elections for governor in Argentina. The ban on Peronism, which prevails in five provinces, has been partially lifted. The most resounding victory was in Buenos Aires, where trade unionist Andrés Framini won. In Cordoba, a leader of the UCR of the people wins: Arturo Illia. No governor elected on March 18 will take office. Under pressure from the military, President Arturo Frondizi cancels the elections a few days before being overthrown.

1976. Six days before the military coup, a task force kidnaps Brazilian pianist Francisco Tenorio Cerqueira Júnior, better known as Tenorinho. He was 34 years old, had recorded an album in 1964 and was on tour with Vinicius de Moraes and Toquinho. Years later, a former ESMA agent revealed that Tenorinho was pulled over on the street and taken to mechanical school, where he was murdered.

1996. Niní Marshall died at the age of 92. One of the most important figures of the Argentinian spectacle of the twentieth century, her real name was María Esther Traverso. His career began in radio, where his characters Cándida and Catita appeared. He filmed movies like Niní must be educated, Divorce in Montevideo, Wedding in Buenos Aires, Honeymoon in Rio, Carmen Yes Dead fly. After the military coup of 1943, he went into exile in Mexico. He returned to the country after the fall of Perón. He acted on television and put on the theatrical show And … we were redeeming. She retired in the early 1980s, considered a mythical actor figure.

2017. Chuck Berry dies at the age of 90. “If you want to give rock and roll another name, name it Chuck Berry,” John Lennon once said to illustrate the influence of the guitarist and songwriter. We owe him classics like “Johhny B. Goode”, “Roll Over Beethoven” or “Rock and Roll Music”, composed in the 50s. He is one of the essential pioneers in rock history.

In addition, it is Telecommunications Workers’ Day.


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