Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on May 5 | Facts …


In May 5 ephemeris These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1818. Karl Marx was born in the German city of Trier, the most influential thinker of the 19th century, whose work was projected into the following century and dissected the politics and economy of his time. In collaboration with Friedrich Engels, he published the Communist manifesto, in addition to other texts such as The Holy Family Yes German ideology. Alone, he posted Louis Bonaparte’s 18th Brumaire, before embarking on his most ambitious work: The capital. The first of his three volumes appeared in 1867. At the time of his death in 1883, he was working on a fourth volume.

1924. Leopoldo Torre Nilsson, one of Argentina’s leading filmmakers, was born. Son of Leopoldo Torres Ríos, his first film was Oribe’s crime, in 1950. Films like The angel’s house Yes The kidnapper they consecrated it in the 1950s. End of the party, A handsome man from the 900 Yes Hand in the trap. Later filmed Martin fierro, The saint of the sword Yes Painted mouths. He died in 1978.

1976. A dictatorship task force kidnaps writer Haroldo Conti, who has since disappeared. He was 50 years old. He was the author of novels such as South East, Around the cage Yes In life, as well as the tales of The legend of the Carolina poplar. The cultural center that operates within ESMA bears his name. He worked as a teacher and in 2014 his file was amended, which read “abandonment of post”, for “enforced disappearance”.

1991. Independiente plays with the Estudiantes de La Plata in Avellaneda. Ricardo Bochini receives a kick from Pablo Erbín and comes out on a stretcher. This is the last image of the 10 of Independiente as a professional: he decides to retire at 37 years old. A brilliant 19-year career comes to an end. I only play in the red team. He has accumulated 714 matches (player with the most appearances at Independiente), 97 goals (historic fourth scorer), and achieved four national tournaments and ten international cups.

● 2002. Hugo Banzer dies, five days before his 76th birthday. This is the only case of a Latin American dictator who has returned to power at the polls. Banzer led the military coup against Juan José Torres in Bolivia in 1971. He ruled until 1978. There were human rights violations during his rule. However, he was recycled into a democracy with his party, the Nationalist Democratic Alliance. He could not win in the 1989 and 1993 elections and won in the 1997 elections. He resigned four years later, suffering from health problems.

It is also African World Heritage Day.


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